Centro di lavoro CNC 4 assi WEEKE BHC 600 Profiline

macchine per lavorazione del legno / fresalesatrici, centri di lavoro

Fabbricante: WEEKE

Modello:BHC 600 Profiline

Tipo di macchina: Centro di lavoro CNC 4 assi

Numero di articolo: 166022815

Quantità: 1

Data: 10.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2003

Luogo: Land-de Germania



Manufacturer: Weeke, Type: BHC 600 Profiline, Year: 2003, Control: Weeke, Working range X: 9.000, Working range Y-axis: 1.790, Working range Z: 370, C axis: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1.300, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 7.250, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 100, Feeding speed max m/min: 80, Pendulum processing: yes, Number of milling spindles vertical: 1, Tool adaption system: HSK 63, Milling engine 1 hours power: 12, Number of tool changers: 2, Tellerwechseler: 2, Number of tools per tool-magazine: 8 + 18, Mitfahrender B5315207 Werkzeugwechsler: yes, Vertical drills-X: 10, Drill vertical Y: 10, Horizontal drills-X: 3, Drill horizontal Y: 3, Number of tables: 2, Traverse table: yes, 2 station allocation: yes, Saw unit: yes, Laser positioning: yes, Year :2003
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Manufacturer: Weeke, Type: BHC 600 Profiline, Year: 2003, Control: Weeke, Working range X: 9.000, Working range Y-axis: 1.790, Working range Z: 370, C axis: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1.300, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 7.250, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 100, Feeding speed max m/min: 80, Pendulum processing: yes, Number of milling spindles vertical: 1, Tool adaption system: HSK 63, Milling engine 1 hours power: 12, Number of tool changers: 2, Tellerwechseler: 2, Number of tools per tool-magazine: 8 + 18, Mitfahrender B5315207 Werkzeugwechsler: yes, B5315207 Vertical drills-X: 10, Drill vertical Y: 10, Horizontal drills-X: 3, Drill horizontal Y: 3, Number of tables: 2, Traverse table: yes, 2 station allocation: yes, Saw unit: yes, Laser positioning: yes, Year :2003
seller offer No. resale 0000102441
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Bödeker Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH

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32469 Petershagen

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