Descrizione: |
Levigatrice a nastro largo WEBER KLE 1300
macchina usato
Manufacturer: Weber KSV 1350 4, Type: KLE 1300, Year: 2008, Control:
Weber, Monting of the machine: Quer/längs/Quer/Quer/Bürste, Sanding
width mm: 1300, Sanding hight mm: 150, Number of sanding belts: 5,
Sanding belt dimensions: 1370 X 2620/5100 X 150, Konstantentisch: yes,
Elektronische Tastung mm: yes, Separation of sampling in mm: 32,
Transverse sanding units: 3, Längsschleifaggregate: 1,
Bürstenaggregate: 1, Rubber roller: no, Bürstenaggregate: 1, Band 1
Leistung kW : 15, Belt 1 shoe unit: yes, Band 1
Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : 2-20 frequenzgegelt, Band 2 Leistung
kW : 21, Belt 2 shoe unit: CBF Aggregat, Band 2
Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : 2-20 frequenzgegelt, Band 3 Leistung
kW : 15, Band 3 Schuhaggregat: yes, Band 3 B5115207 Queraggregat:
yes, Band 3 Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : 2-20 frequenzgegelt, Band
4 Leistung kW : 15, Band 4 Queraggregat: yes, Band 4
Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : 2-20 frequenzgegelt, Continous
adjustable feeding speed m/min: 2-20, Intermediate sanding of lacquer:
yes, Year :2008 seller offer No. resale 0000103694