TETRA PAK Sprue Remover Unit (SRU)

macchine per l'imballaggio / macchine di imballaggio in cartone

Fabbricante: TETRA PAK

Modello:Sprue Remover Unit (SRU)

Numero di articolo: 164926417

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2019

Luogo: Land-de Germania wentorf bei hamburg



Tetra Top Sprue Remover Unit (SRU) for removal of the small plastic particle on top of the Tetra Top packaging after filling/closing, previously positioned after a Tetra Pak TT/3 2000 carton filler for Tetra Top 200 and 250 ml Mini cartons with a A5 38 screwcap. Including stainless steel control panel and separate operation panel., Type of Machine: Sprue Remover Unit, H5353732 Capacity: 4.500 pieces per hour, Type of carton: Tetra Top 200 and 250 ml Mini cartons, Development step: - 0100, Drawing spec.: 3434618-0100, Weight: ± 325 kg
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Tetra Top Sprue Remover Unit (SRU) for removal of the small plastic particle on top of the Tetra Top packaging after filling/closing, previously positioned after a Tetra Pak TT/3 2000 carton filler for Tetra Top 200 and 250 ml Mini cartons with a A5 38 screwcap. Including stainless steel control panel and separate operation panel., Type of Machine: Sprue Remover Unit, H5353732 Capacity: 4.500 H5353732 pieces per hour, Type of carton: Tetra Top 200 and 250 ml Mini cartons, Development step: - 0100, Drawing spec.: 3434618-0100, Weight: ± 325 kg
seller offer No. resale 1156
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Hamburg Machinery HM GmbH

Signor A. Nadaf
21035 Hamburg

RESALE membro dato che 2019

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