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10 simili macchine:

Anno di costruzione: 2020
Luogo:: Ulm

Recipiente di processo da 2000 litri Produttore: TSA Process Equipment Contenitori WFI NUOVO nella confezione originale Anno di costruzione 2020 elettrolucidato Doppia camicia, resistente alla pressione Temperatura di esercizio camera del prodotto 130 °C Temperatura di esercizio guaina 170 °C Accessoristica

Macchina: TERLET Terlotherm T2-6M - Scraped
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU272W407 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet Terlotherm TypeT2-6M MS No.97.0908.4 Year of construction1998 Pressure Working pressure10 Bar Working pressure jacket4 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Motor11 KW Surface4.4 m2 Specified Features - Scraped surface heat exchanger MaterialStainless steel 1.4401 (316) Scraped surface heat exchangercheck Heating surface4.4m² Capacity132 l. Cylinder sizesDia. 725x1350 mm Max. temperature150°C With jacketcheck Max. temperature150°C InletDN80 OutletDN80 Motor11 kW, 415 volt Speed66 rpm Information Total height2,5 m Weight1400 kg CEcheck Floorspace1,3x0,9 m Extra SpecificationsCool-/heatings medium: water, g ...

Macchina: TERLET Terlotherm T2-6M - Scraped
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU272W406 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet Terletherm TypeT2-6M MS No.97.0908.3 Year of construction1998 Pressure Working pressure10 Bar Working pressure jacket4 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Motor11 KW Surface4.4 m2 Specified Features - Scraped surface heat exchanger MaterialStainless steel 1.4401 (316) Scraped surface heat exchangercheck Heating surface4.4m² Capacity132 l. Cylinder sizesDia. 725x1350 mm Max. temperature150°C With jacketcheck Max. temperature150°C InletDN80 OutletDN80 Motor11 kW, 415 volt Speed32 rpm Information Total height2,5 m Weight1400 kg CEcheck Floorspace1,3x0,9 m Extra SpecificationsCool-/heatings medium: water, g ...

Macchina: TERLET Terlotherm T2-6M - Scraped
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU272W405 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet Terlotherm TypeT2-6M MS No.97.0908.2 Year of construction1998 Pressure Working pressure10 Bar Working pressure jacket4 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Motor11 KW Surface4.4 m2 Specified Features - Scraped surface heat exchanger MaterialStainless steel 1.4401 (316) Scraped surface heat exchangercheck Heating surface4.4m² Capacity132 l. Cylinder sizesDia. 725x1350 mm Max. temperature150°C With jacketcheck Max. temperature150°C InletDN80 OutletDN80 Motor11 kW, 415 volt Speed32 rpm Information Total height2,5 m Weight1400 kg CEcheck Floorspace1,3x0,9 m Extra SpecificationsCool-/heatings medium: water, g ...

Macchina: TERLET 195 Ltr - Stainless Steel Reactor
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU058N251 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet No.94-224 Pressure Working pressure3 Bar Vacuum possiblecheck Working pressure jacket4 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume195 Ltr. Motor3 KW Specified Features - Stainless Steel Reactor Reactorcheck Capacity195 Ltr. Dished bottomcheck Dished top sidecheck OutletDia. 50mm With jacket(6 Ltr.) Max. temperature100°C. With turbo stirrercheck Motor3 kW, 380 Volt Speed mixing shaft2850 Rpm Stainless Steel Reactors MaterialStainless steel 1.4306 (304L) Information Mounted on legs350 mm With switchgearcheck Floorspace1,1 x 0,8 m Total height2,2 m Weight400 kg Extra Specifications- mechanical seal - pressure ...

Macchina: TERLET 13000 Ltr - Stirring vessel
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU015Z113 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet Zutphen No.93T00234-2 Year of construction1993 Pressure Working pressure1 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume13000 Ltr. Motor15 KW Specified Features - Stirring vessel Closed stirring vesselcheck Capacity13.000 Ltr Vessel sizesdia. 2200x3500mm, Insulated Dished bottomcheck Dished top sidecheck Manholedia. 500mm Top connections2x dia. 20mm + 2x dia. 35mm + dia. 45mm Outlet3x dia. 35mm With propellor stirrercheck With paddle stirrermake Jongia, type JDR 8/6 Motor15 kW, 380 Volt Speed mixing shaft± 480 Rpm MaterialStainless steel 1.4404 (316L) Information Mounted on legscheck Floorspace2,4x2,4 m Total he ...

Macchina: TERLET 1500 l - Stirring vessel
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU225U161 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet No.84.153 Year of construction1984 Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume1500 Ltr. Motor4 KW Specified Features - Stirring vessel Closed stirring vesselcheck Capacity1500 Ltr. Conical bottomcheck Dished top sidecheck Manholedia. 500 mm Top connectionsdia. 55 mm (3x), dia. 100 mm Outletdia. 100 mm Max. temperature100 °C With anchor stirrercheck (and screw agitator) Motoranchor stirrer: 4 kW 380 Volt: screw agitator: 1,2/2,2 kW 380 Volt Speed mixing shaftanchor stirrer: 24 rpm: screw agitator: 34-69 rpm MaterialStainless steel 1.4306 (304L) Information Mounted on legscheck Floorspace1,65 x 1,65 m Total height2,8  ...

Macchina: TERLET 65 ltr - Stirring vessel
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU358S865 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet (NL) Type80 ltr. No.75084 Year of construction1975 Pressure Working pressure jacket4.4 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume65 Ltr. Motor0.66 KW Specified Features - Stirring vessel MaterialStainless steel Open stirring vesselcheck Capacity80 ltr. (nett 65 ltr) Vessel sizesdia. 395x650mm Dished bottomcheck Flat top sidecheck Manhole395x185mm Top connectionsDN25 (1x) OutletDN25 With jacket(2,88 ltr.) Max. temperature90 degr. C. With propellor stirrerTyphoon Motor0.66 kW 220/380 volt Information Floorspace1,5x0,8 M Total height2,4 M Weight240 KgStirring vesselsTerletStirring vessels > Stirring vesselsBran ...

Macchina: TERLET 500 Ltr. - Stirring vessel
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU225U167 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet No.80 645 Year of construction1980 Pressure Working pressure0 Bar Working pressure jacket3 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume500 Ltr. Motor2.2 KW Specified Features - Stirring vessel MaterialStainless steel 1.4401 (316), Stainless steel 1.4404 Open stirring vesselcheck Capacity500 Ltr. Vessel sizesdia. 980x900 mm Dished top sidecheck With covercheck Manholedia. 980 mm Outletdia. 47 mm With jacket27 Ltr. Max. temperature143 °C With gate type stirrercheck With paddle stirrercheck Motor1,5/2,2 kW 380 Volt Information Mounted on legscheck Floorspace1,35x1,7 m Total height2,4 m Weight830 kgStirring vess ...

Macchina: TERLET 4000 Ltr - Stirring vessel
Venditore: Land-nl Foeth
Luogo:: Barneveld The Netherlands

General SKU381T1144 LocationBarneveld MakeTerlet No.91.0304 1 Year of construction1991 Pressure Working pressure jacket4 Bar Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume4000 Ltr. Motor2.2 KW Specified Features - Stirring vessel MaterialStainless steel 1.4301 (304) Closed stirring vesselcheck Capacity4000 Ltr. Vessel sizesø 1700x2080 mm Manholeø 500 mm Outletø 150 mm With jacket52 Ltr. Max. temperature100 °C With paddle stirrercheck Motor2,2 kW 380-420/660-725 Volt Speed mixing shaft52 rpm Information Mounted on legscheck Floorspace1,8x1,8 m Total height2,9 m Weight1080 kgStirring vesselsTerletStirring vessels > Stirring vesselsBrand > Terlet What you can expe ...

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