saldatrice a gas inerte 330 A Puls OERLIKON FRONIUS TransPuls Synergic 330

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / saldatrici


Modello:TransPuls Synergic 330

Tipo di macchina: saldatrice a gas inerte 330 A Puls

Numero di articolo: 166020366

Quantità: 1

Data: 10.03.2025

Luogo: Land-de Germania 26215 Wiefelstede, DE

Prezzo: 3,950 EUR


Inert gas welding machine with pulse function, pulse arc welding system, MIG/MAG pulse welding system

-with: 3 hose packages (1x aluminum, 1x stainless steel, 1x steel)
-max. welding power: 330 A
remote control connection
-4-roller drive
T534106 -with: removable wire feed
-including ground cable
gas fitting
-Dimensions: 655/900/H1490 mm
-Weight: 160 kg
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Inert gas welding machine with pulse function, pulse arc welding system, MIG/MAG pulse welding system

-with: 3 hose packages (1x aluminum, 1x stainless steel, 1x steel)
-max. welding power: 330 A
remote control connection
-4-roller drive
T534106 -with: removable wire T534106 feed
-including ground cable
gas fitting
-Dimensions: 655/900/H1490 mm
-Weight: 160 kg
seller offer No. resale 22045
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Theodor Eberlei GmbH & Co.KG

Signor Theodor Eberlei
26215 Wiefelstede

RESALE membro dato che 2002

  • elenco macchine (13674)


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