Hydraulic C-Frame (Drawing) Press MUELLER CEZ 63.5.10 (UVV)

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / presse

Fabbricante: MUELLER

Modello:CEZ 63.5.10 (UVV)

Tipo di macchina: Hydraulic C-Frame (Drawing) Press

Numero di articolo: 166779476

Quantità: 1

Data: 12.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 1971

Luogo: Lager Eislingen, Baden-Württemberg


Macchina in azione:


pressure:63 t
throat:325 mm
stroke:560 mm
distance table/ram, max. stroke up, adjustment up:700 mm
table surface area:640 x 640 mm
pressure of drawing cushion in table:25 t
stroke of drawing cushion in table:200 mm
die cushion area:450 x 450 mm
table height over floor:800 mm
ram surface:560 x 560 mm
oil volume:450 l
power requirement:15,0 V5346476 kW
weight:7,0 t
dimensions (WxDxH):1,2 x 2,0 x 3,1 m
German Safety: permitted for manual loading:UVV 11.064 - VBG 7n5.2
drawing cushion in table:hydraulic

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pressure:63 t
throat:325 mm
stroke:560 mm
distance table/ram, max. stroke up, adjustment up:700 mm
table surface area:640 x 640 mm
pressure of drawing cushion in table:25 t
stroke of drawing cushion in table:200 mm
die cushion area:450 x 450 mm
table height over floor:800 mm
ram surface:560 x 560 mm
oil volume:450 l
power requirement:15,0 V5346476 kW
weight:7,0 t
dimensions V5346476 (WxDxH):1,2 x 2,0 x 3,1 m
German Safety: permitted for manual loading:UVV 11.064 - VBG 7n5.2
drawing cushion in table:hydraulic

seller offer No. resale 1050-133027
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Signor Thomas Weber
73054 Eislingen

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