Rettificatrice per interni MORARA Micro I

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / rettificatrici

Fabbricante: MORARA

Modello:Micro I

Tipo di macchina: Rettificatrice per interni

Numero di articolo: 164200097

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 1986

Luogo: Monheim am Rhein


Macchina in azione:


internal diameter: 2 - 40 mm
grinding depth: 70 mm
swing diameter: 285 mm
total power requirement: 5,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 1,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
Machine in good working condition, with new e-motor for the working spindle
Machine video:

Max. Distance chuck flange - wheelhead 390 mm

Grinding spindle, make PRECISE 20.000 - 66.000 rpm, power 1.3 kW
Grinding K53523 spindle, make PRECISE 60.000 - 120.000 rpm, power 0.23 kW
Machine documentation.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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internal diameter: 2 - 40 mm
grinding depth: 70 mm
swing diameter: 285 mm
total power requirement: 5,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 1,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
Machine in good working condition, with new e-motor for the working spindle
Machine video:

Max. Distance chuck flange - wheelhead 390 mm

Grinding spindle, make PRECISE 20.000 - 66.000 rpm, power 1.3 kW
Grinding K53523 spindle, make PRECISE 60.000 - K53523 120.000 rpm, power 0.23 kW
Machine documentation.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1022-1867
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Knops Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG

Signor Gregor Knops
40789 Monheim

RESALE membro dato che 2014

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Prezzo: sold MORARA Micro I + simili MORARA-Modello

MORARAMICRO I 2 17000 EUR [Sep 2021]