Centro di lavoro verticale LAGUN GVC 1000

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / fresatrici

Fabbricante: LAGUN

Modello:GVC 1000

Tipo di macchina: Centro di lavoro verticale

Numero di articolo: 166541721

Quantità: 1

Data: 13.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2001

Luogo: Land-ES Spagna



This 3-axis LAGUN GVC 1000 vertical machining center was manufactured in 2001. It features a HEIDENHAIN 410 control, a table surface of 1200 x 500 mm, and a maximum table load of 750 kg. The spindle operates at 60 - 6000 r.p.m. with a main motor power of 7.5/9 kW. If you are looking to get G5349640 high-quality milling capabilities, consider the LAGUN GVC 1000 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
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This 3-axis LAGUN GVC 1000 vertical machining center was manufactured in 2001. It features a HEIDENHAIN 410 control, a table surface of 1200 x 500 mm, and a maximum table load of 750 kg. The spindle operates at 60 - 6000 r.p.m. with a main motor power of 7.5/9 kW. If you are looking to get G5349640 high-quality milling capabilities, G5349640 consider the LAGUN GVC 1000 machine we have for sale. Contact us for more information about this machine.
seller offer No. resale ES-MIL-LAG-2001-00001
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Signor Borja Garcia
67663 Kaiserslautern

RESALE membro dato che 2017

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