Sachet Filling LAUDENBERG FBM 13

macchine per l'imballaggio / macchine di riempimento

Fabbricante: LAUDENBERG

Modello:FBM 13

Tipo di macchina: Sachet Filling

Numero di articolo: 162607279

Quantità: 1

Data: 25.11.2024

Anno di fabbricazione:

Luogo: Land-it Italia 40141 Bologna


Macchina in azione:


Horizontal bagging machine Laudenberg Mod. FBM 13, equipped with a BOSCH Mod. DOS 1B dosage system for powders.

Technical data:
Length: mm 3250
Width: mm 2950
Height: mm 2260
Net weight: Kg 2000

Production characteristics:
Conveyor length: 1740 mm
Capacity: 6 sachets/min
Sachet Width: 45 – 88 mm
Sachet Height: 50 – 200 mm

This machine allows you to dose the product that will be packaged. The construction principle of the machine is based on an auger filler which, by turning, pushes a volume of product.

The film coming from the reel is pulled and M5358273 formed then sealed in four side by means of the welder. The product must be dropped in portions into the preformed tube. The filled tubular bag, with the product inside, is cut and the tube closed. The machine is complete with the feeding belt.
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Horizontal bagging machine Laudenberg Mod. FBM 13, equipped with a BOSCH Mod. DOS 1B dosage system for powders.

Technical data:
Length: mm 3250
Width: mm 2950
Height: mm 2260
Net weight: Kg 2000

Production characteristics:
Conveyor length: 1740 mm
Capacity: 6 sachets/min
Sachet Width: 45 – 88 mm
Sachet Height: 50 – 200 mm

This machine allows you to dose the product that will be packaged. The construction principle of the machine is based on an auger filler which, by turning, pushes a volume of product.

The film coming from the reel is pulled and M5358273 formed then sealed in M5358273 four side by means of the welder. The product must be dropped in portions into the preformed tube. The filled tubular bag, with the product inside, is cut and the tube closed. The machine is complete with the feeding belt.

seller offer No. resale MLTC-IT-F007
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Signor Michele Lombardi
40141 Bologna

RESALE membro dato che 2023

  • elenco macchine (100)


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