Sistema di stampa BRIEM

macchine per la stampa / cartotecnica: altre

Fabbricante: BRIEM


Tipo di macchina: Sistema di stampa

Numero di articolo: 166201317

Quantità: 1

Data: 25.02.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 1976

Luogo: Germany



1976 BRIEM functioning 6-color gravure printing system.

Machine name: Gravure printing machine

Manufacturer: BRIEM

Machine type: 6-color gravure printing system

Year of construction: 1976

Condition: ready for use (used)

Intended use: Printing & painting of PVC-P films

Web width: max. 1500 U5258834 mm

Intermediate drying: yes

Drying channel: yes, 2 zones

Winder: Reversible winder

Available: now

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1976 BRIEM functioning 6-color gravure printing system.

Machine name: Gravure printing machine

Manufacturer: BRIEM

Machine type: 6-color gravure printing system

Year of construction: 1976

Condition: ready for use (used)

Intended use: Printing & painting of PVC-P films

Web width: max. 1500 U5258834 mm

Intermediate drying: U5258834 yes

Drying channel: yes, 2 zones

Winder: Reversible winder

Available: now

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