Rettificatrici a spoglia per forme di ruote dentate ROLLOMATIC CNC 148 P4

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / rettificatrici / Rettificatrici a spoglia per forme di ruote dentate

Fabbricante: ROLLOMATIC

Modello:CNC 148 P4

Tipo di macchina: Rettificatrici a spoglia per forme di ruote dentate

Numero di articolo: 162834600

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2001

Luogo: Land-de Germania Malsch


Macchina in azione:


table diameter: 200 mm
workpiece height: 100 mm
number of wheels: 1
Control: Robot CNC
total power requirement: 6 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 1,8 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,83 x 2,04 x 2,1 m
Technical data
- Grinding capacity : Ø 0.025 –12.7 [mm] - Bar diameter : Ø 1.0 –12.7 [mm] -
Grinding length : W15 (option W20) - Z-axis : 35[mm] Resolution : 0.5 [µm] – X-
axis : 25 [ mm] Resolution : 0.1µm – Y-axis : 286[mm] Resolution : 0.5µm – U-
axis : 15 [mm] Resolution : 0.1µm Head Motor: 0.70 [kW] Rotation: 300 – 3000
[rpm] Grinding - Raw grinding : 1.5 [kW] Spindle : Ø 60 [mm] Grinding wheel
diameter : Ø 200 [mm] Cutting speed : 30 m/sec. - Completion: 0.75 [kW]
Spindle: Ø100 [mm] Grinding wheel diameter: Ø150 [mm] Cutting speed: adjustable
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 1830 x 2040 x 2100 E5332339 mm - Weight: approx. 1800 [kg]
- Loading and unloading robots - Fire protection device CONTROL axes, 4 axes +
2 programmable robots - simultaneously linear interpolation of the 4 axes +
cylindrical interpolation of 2 robot axes

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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table diameter: 200 mm
workpiece height: 100 mm
number of wheels: 1
Control: Robot CNC
total power requirement: 6 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 1,8 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1,83 x 2,04 x 2,1 m
Technical data
- Grinding capacity : Ø 0.025 –12.7 [mm] - Bar diameter : Ø 1.0 –12.7 [mm] -
Grinding length : W15 (option W20) - Z-axis : 35[mm] Resolution : 0.5 [µm] – X-
axis : 25 [ mm] Resolution : 0.1µm – Y-axis : 286[mm] Resolution : 0.5µm – U-
axis : 15 [mm] Resolution : 0.1µm Head Motor: 0.70 [kW] Rotation: 300 – 3000
[rpm] Grinding - Raw grinding : 1.5 [kW] Spindle : Ø 60 [mm] Grinding wheel
diameter : Ø 200 [mm] Cutting speed : 30 m/sec. - Completion: 0.75 [kW]
Spindle: Ø100 [mm] Grinding wheel diameter: Ø150 [mm] Cutting speed: adjustable
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 1830 x 2040 x 2100 E5332339 mm - Weight: approx. E5332339 1800 [kg]
- Loading and unloading robots - Fire protection device CONTROL axes, 4 axes +
2 programmable robots - simultaneously linear interpolation of the 4 axes +
cylindrical interpolation of 2 robot axes

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1058-23237
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Emuk GmbH Werkzeugmaschinen

Signor Karlheinz Jung
76316 Malsch

RESALE membro dato che 2010

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