Mechanical transfer press MÜLLER WEINGARTEN 7850.05.230

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / presse



Tipo di macchina: Mechanical transfer press

Numero di articolo: 165906133

Quantità: 1

Data: 14.12.2024

Anno di fabbricazione: 2001

Luogo: 461 38 Trollhättan



Serial Number: 7850.05.230
Order Number: 115 004 Press Force
Total: 75,800 kN
Slide 1: 22,500 kN
Slide 2 and 3: 16,000 kN
Slide 4: 14,000 kN
Slide 5: 10,000 kN Work Capacity
Per Stroke: 2,600 kJ Stroke Rate
Automatic Operation: 7-15 strokes/min
Transfer Operation: 7-14 strokes/min
Without Press Operation: 3-7 strokes/min Slide
Stroke Length Slide 1-5: 1,400 mm
Adjustment Option Slide 1-5: 100 mm
Installation Height: 1,450 mm Bed and Slide Surface
Station 1: 4,500 x 2,400 mm
Station 2-5: 4,500 x 2,300 mm Pneumatic Cushion Force
Station 2: 1,500 kN
Station 3-5: 1,000 kN Cushion Stroke
Station 2-5: 150 mm Hydraulic Draw Cushion
Station 1: 4,500 kN
Total Cushion Force Station 1: 800 kN
Total Stroke Length: 350 mm
S5324454 Effective Cushion Stroke with Pre-acceleration: 300 mm
Cushion Adjustment: 20-350 mm Transfer
Transport Path: 2,300 mm
Switchable Stroke Path: 250 / 380 mm
Height Adjustment of Transfer Beams: 90 mm More detailed information on the individual stations can also be found in the PDF file.
1 kg
ex foundation, unpackaged
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Serial Number: 7850.05.230
Order Number: 115 004 Press Force
Total: 75,800 kN
Slide 1: 22,500 kN
Slide 2 and 3: 16,000 kN
Slide 4: 14,000 kN
Slide 5: 10,000 kN Work Capacity
Per Stroke: 2,600 kJ Stroke Rate
Automatic Operation: 7-15 strokes/min
Transfer Operation: 7-14 strokes/min
Without Press Operation: 3-7 strokes/min Slide
Stroke Length Slide 1-5: 1,400 mm
Adjustment Option Slide 1-5: 100 mm
Installation Height: 1,450 mm Bed and Slide Surface
Station 1: 4,500 x 2,400 mm
Station 2-5: 4,500 x 2,300 mm Pneumatic Cushion Force
Station 2: 1,500 kN
Station 3-5: 1,000 kN Cushion Stroke
Station 2-5: 150 mm Hydraulic Draw Cushion
Station 1: 4,500 kN
Total Cushion Force Station 1: 800 kN
Total Stroke Length: 350 mm
S5324454 Effective Cushion Stroke S5324454 with Pre-acceleration: 300 mm
Cushion Adjustment: 20-350 mm Transfer
Transport Path: 2,300 mm
Switchable Stroke Path: 250 / 380 mm
Height Adjustment of Transfer Beams: 90 mm More detailed information on the individual stations can also be found in the PDF file.
1 kg
ex foundation, unpackaged
seller offer No. resale 956767
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