
per l'involucro SCHMEDT PräLeg

macchine per la stampa / dopo stampa: brossuratrici

Fabbricante: SCHMEDT


Tipo di macchina: Macchina

per l'involucro

Numero di articolo: 165450692

Quantità: 1

Data: 06.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione:

Luogo: Emskirchen - Nürnberg



Bucheinhängemaschine / Casing-In machine Schmedt PräLeg HHS 18
Buchhöhe / Book height: 80 - 340mm
Buchbreite / Book width: 110 – 450mm
Blockstärke / Book Thickness: 2 – 80mm
Leistung / Output:
Serienfertigung / Multiple production: ca. 200 - 300St/h
Einzelfertigung / Single production: ca. 100 - 150St/h
Elektr. Anschluss / Power supply: 200 - 240V(50Hz, O,6kW)
Pressluftanschluss / Air supply: 6 bar
Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-Video
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On Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test
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Bucheinhängemaschine / Casing-In machine Schmedt PräLeg HHS 18
Buchhöhe / Book height: 80 - 340mm
Buchbreite / Book width: 110 – 450mm
Blockstärke / Book Thickness: 2 – 80mm
Leistung / Output:
Serienfertigung / Multiple production: ca. 200 - 300St/h
Einzelfertigung / Single production: ca. 100 - 150St/h
Elektr. Anschluss / Power supply: 200 - 240V(50Hz, O,6kW)
Pressluftanschluss / Air supply: 6 bar
Online-Video-Inspection F5342872 by Skype-Video
We would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on Stock
Available Immediately - Can be inspect
On Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

seller offer No. resale 22055
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Signor Yildiray Kilic
91448 Emskirchen Pirkach

RESALE membro dato che 2009

  • elenco macchine (501)


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