Rettificatrici a ruote dentate GLEASON Phoenix 600HG

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / macchine per taglio ingranaggi e dentatrici / Rettificatrici a ruote dentate

Fabbricante: GLEASON

Modello:Phoenix 600HG

Tipo di macchina: Rettificatrici a ruote dentate

Numero di articolo: 164931210

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2006

Luogo: Lager Kleinostheim


Macchina in azione:


max. wheel diameter: 600 mm
gear width: mm
max. module: 15
Control: FANUC 160i-MB
working area: -
max. workpiece diameter: 600
max. module: 15
Full depth, max.: 24,6 mm
Max. Face width: 110 mm
Number of teeth: 1 - 300
grinding wheel diameter: 20
Machine specifications: _
X-axis (horizontal work slide): 540 mm
Y-axis (vertical slide): 295 mm
Z-axis (grinding spindle infeed): 695
B-axis (swivel axis): -5 / 90 ° °
Max. Grinding spindle speed: 3.000 C-Achse 1/min
max. workpiece spindle speed: 330 A-Achse 1/min
total power requirement: -5 / 90 ° kW
weight of the machine ca.: 27 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,0 x 3,1 x 3,4 m
Equipment and accessories
• Basic machine GLEASON PHOENIX 600HG with control FANUC 160i series
• Gleason HMI user interface for easy input of gear values and correction values
• Fully CNC-controlled machine concept designed for the shortest set-up and changeover times as well as maximum gear accuracy and grinding performance
• PG Cycle - precision grinding
• Single grinding head with fully automatic grinding wheel threading device for precise determination of the tooth gap position at any workpiece position. No manual adjustment necessary in series operation
• System-independent grinding of almost all spiral bevel gears and hypoid gears produced in single-part and continuous processes
• Generating and plunge grinding processes
• Quad rotation - four grinding passes per cycle
• F5327320 Gleason CNC dresser
• Waguri eccentric grinding spindle
• All axes and spindles with FANUC digital drive technology
• Central lubrication
• Electronic centering device for precise rotary positioning of the workpiece
• Cooling lubricant system with HOFFMANN brand, oil tank approx. 3,000 l
• Oil mist extraction
• Full enclosure of the work area
• Machine light
• Set-up aid for changing the grinding wheel
• Documentation
• Coniflex grinding option on request

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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max. wheel diameter: 600 mm
gear width: mm
max. module: 15
Control: FANUC 160i-MB
working area: -
max. workpiece diameter: 600
max. module: 15
Full depth, max.: 24,6 mm
Max. Face width: 110 mm
Number of teeth: 1 - 300
grinding wheel diameter: 20
Machine specifications: _
X-axis (horizontal work slide): 540 mm
Y-axis (vertical slide): 295 mm
Z-axis (grinding spindle infeed): 695
B-axis (swivel axis): -5 / 90 ° °
Max. Grinding spindle speed: 3.000 C-Achse 1/min
max. workpiece spindle speed: 330 A-Achse 1/min
total power requirement: -5 / 90 ° kW
weight of the machine ca.: 27 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,0 x 3,1 x 3,4 m
Equipment and accessories
• Basic machine GLEASON PHOENIX 600HG with control FANUC 160i series
• Gleason HMI user interface for easy input of gear values and correction values
• Fully CNC-controlled machine concept designed for the shortest set-up and changeover times as well as maximum gear accuracy and grinding performance
• PG Cycle - precision grinding
• Single grinding head with fully automatic grinding wheel threading device for precise determination of the tooth gap position at any workpiece position. No manual adjustment necessary in series operation
• System-independent grinding of almost all spiral bevel gears and hypoid gears produced in single-part and continuous processes
• Generating and plunge grinding processes
• Quad rotation - four grinding passes per cycle
• F5327320 Gleason CNC F5327320 dresser
• Waguri eccentric grinding spindle
• All axes and spindles with FANUC digital drive technology
• Central lubrication
• Electronic centering device for precise rotary positioning of the workpiece
• Cooling lubricant system with HOFFMANN brand, oil tank approx. 3,000 l
• Oil mist extraction
• Full enclosure of the work area
• Machine light
• Set-up aid for changing the grinding wheel
• Documentation
• Coniflex grinding option on request

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1118-1663
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FLECKENSTEIN Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH

Signor Bj?rn Fleckenstein
63831 Wiesen

RESALE membro dato che 2022

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