macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / fresatrici



Numero di articolo: 165958707

Quantità: 1

Data: 13.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione:

Luogo: Land-it Italia gussago


Vertical machining center FANUC Robodrill Alpha T14iA ISO30 14 tools 8000 RPM X 500 Y 380 Z 300 CNC Fanuc 16iM The machine is visible in our warehouse in Gussago BS. Mimu Machine Tools Gussago BS Italy The machining center is a machine tool equipped with numerical control capable of performing multiple mechanical operations with a single set-up on multiple surfaces of the same work piece. It is M5336876 generally equipped with several axles of motion and a automatic tool exchange system and sometimes multiple pallets, X axis: 500, Y axis: 380, Z axis: 300, CNC type: Fanuc
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Vertical machining center FANUC Robodrill Alpha T14iA ISO30 14 tools 8000 RPM X 500 Y 380 Z 300 CNC Fanuc 16iM The machine is visible in our warehouse in Gussago BS. Mimu Machine Tools Gussago BS Italy The machining center is a machine tool equipped with numerical control capable of performing multiple mechanical operations with a single set-up on multiple surfaces of the same work piece. It is M5336876 generally equipped M5336876 with several axles of motion and a automatic tool exchange system and sometimes multiple pallets, X axis: 500, Y axis: 380, Z axis: 300, CNC type: Fanuc
seller offer No. resale 165958707
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Mimu Werkzeugmaschinen

Signor Roberto Musumeci
25064 Gussago (BS)

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