Foratrici per fori profondi FRORIEP 961

macchine per lavorazione del legno / fresalesatrici, centri di lavoro / Foratrici per fori profondi

Fabbricante: FRORIEP


Tipo di macchina: Foratrici per fori profondi

Numero di articolo: 156201865

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2006

Luogo: Land-de Germania Heilbronn


Macchina in azione:


bore depth: 8850 mm
swing diameter: 1000/900 mm
total power requirement: 129 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 47 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
core drilling diameter max.: mm
CNC control Sinumerik 840D
diameter of the face plate 1200mm
steady rest
chip conveyor

Technische Daten / technical details:
Umlaufdurchmesser über Bett / rotary diameter over bed 1000 mm
Umlaufdurchmesser in Rollenbock / rotary diameter at steady rest 900 mm
Max. Bohrtiefe / max. drilling depth 8850 mm
Spanndurchmesser Planscheibe / clamping diameter at face plate 900 mm
Drehzahlbereich / spindle speed 1-300 U/min
Vorschubbereich / infeed 0,5-4500 mm/min
Antriebsleistung / drive capacity 129 kW
Werkstückabmessungen: / workpiece measures
Min. Aussendurchmesser / min. outer diameter 150 mm
Max. Aussendurchmesser / max. outer diameter 900 G5330775 mm
Max. Werkstücklänge / max. workpiece lenght 8000 mm
Maschinengewicht / weight of machine 47000 kg
Technische Daten, Zubehör und Beschreibung der Maschine sind unverbindlich -
Technical data, accessories and description of the machine are not binding.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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bore depth: 8850 mm
swing diameter: 1000/900 mm
total power requirement: 129 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 47 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: m
core drilling diameter max.: mm
CNC control Sinumerik 840D
diameter of the face plate 1200mm
steady rest
chip conveyor

Technische Daten / technical details:
Umlaufdurchmesser über Bett / rotary diameter over bed 1000 mm
Umlaufdurchmesser in Rollenbock / rotary diameter at steady rest 900 mm
Max. Bohrtiefe / max. drilling depth 8850 mm
Spanndurchmesser Planscheibe / clamping diameter at face plate 900 mm
Drehzahlbereich / spindle speed 1-300 U/min
Vorschubbereich / infeed 0,5-4500 mm/min
Antriebsleistung / drive capacity 129 kW
Werkstückabmessungen: / workpiece measures
Min. Aussendurchmesser / min. outer diameter 150 mm
Max. Aussendurchmesser / max. outer diameter 900 G5330775 mm
Max. G5330775 Werkstücklänge / max. workpiece lenght 8000 mm
Maschinengewicht / weight of machine 47000 kg
Technische Daten, Zubehör und Beschreibung der Maschine sind unverbindlich -
Technical data, accessories and description of the machine are not binding.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1036-041544
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Gustav Schönberger GmbH

Signor Ruben Geiger
74080 Heilbronn

RESALE membro dato che 2010

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