
Apparecchi di misurazione FREUTEK SDM0030

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Surplex GmbH
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Signora Gabriela Angelova
40472 Düsseldorf

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RESALE membro dato che 2006

  • elenco macchine (7326)
Numero di articolo: 166021079 Quantità: 1 Data: 21.12.2024
Anno di fabbricazione: 2024 Luogo: 08570 Torello, España
Prezzo iniziale: 78 EUR
Vai all'asta:
Asta Fine dell'asta: 24.01.2025 - 11:38
Fabbricante: FREUTEK
Modello: SDM0030
Tipo di macchina: Apparecchi di misurazione
Descrizione: Apparecchi di misurazione FREUTEK SDM0030

macchina usato

Sturdy base with ground support surface, hardened and ground shaft. Stainless, anti-reflective chromed reading elements. Black reading scale for easy reading. Micrometric adjustment. The slightly raised edges of the sliding rod prevent the movement of the slide from damaging the graduation. The zero value and the scribing tip are aligned with the footprint of the socket (measuring range from 0 ). Tracking measurements can thus be directly detected without calculation errors. Scoring point with S41224454 hard metal coating.
The item that is delivered is MAY NOT BE the one shown in the pictures, but an equal one
745 x 350 x 145 mm
7 kg
never used/new
ex foundation, unpackaged
seller offer No. resale 982240
Seller-item-No.: 982240
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2024 FREUTEKSDM0030 78 EUR