FOD ovens main advantage lies on its particle contamination class
assurance. Fedegari guarantees the contamination level to remain under
the established standards values for 100 class. This accuracy is
verified also during the most critical phases such as heating and
cooling, when the thermal expansion of the filters may release a great
amount of particles. Particulate contamination control originates from
complex fluid dynamic studies and a close collaboration with Camfil,
the world’s most respected filter manufacturer, with whom Fedegari
works at the development of high-temperature filters.
FOD ovens, such as autoclaves, run batch processes and are the ideal
solution for the sterilization of all those production lines in which
the variability of products, batches and formats do not allow the use
of continuous sterilizers such as tunnels.
• Single-leaf flush door on both sides, internal surface in AISI 304
stainless steel.
100 mm thick rock-wool panels guarantee perfect thermal insulation:
average temperature of 40 °C on the external surfaces at operating
temperature of 250 °C.
• Cooling by AISI 304 stainless steel heat exchanger.
• Sterilizing chamber: sealed welding, made of AISI 304 stainless
steel 1,5 mm thick.
• Electric M5358273 heating through AISI 321 stainless steel
heating elements, assembled on a sliding frame for easy removal and
• 5 RTD PT100 temperature probes.
• Continuous automatic control and regulation of pressurization of
the sterilizing chamber.
• Stainless steel port for validation probe positioned on not
sterile side.
• Continuous filtering of air in the sterilizing chamber, thanks to
a system composed by 4 HEPA filters.
• Safety thermometer on non sterile front to prevent door opening if
chamber temperature exceeds set value.