ENOS KAPSELAUFSET... Capsulatrice 1T.

macchine per l'industria alimentare / macchine distributrici di bevande


Modello:Capsulatrice 1T.

Numero di articolo: 166038588

Quantità: 1

Data: 07.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2015

Luogo: Land-de Germania willich



Capsule applicator and shrinker, make Enos, type Capsulatrice 1T., year 2015, for closing PVC capsules, with protective covering according to CE regulations, made of AISI 304 stainless steel,, Capacity: up to 2,500 bottles with PVC capsules,, up to 1,700 bottles for capsules made of aluminium, tinfoil, polyamine, This machine can be used for bottles of the formats:, Hmin= 230mm; Hmax= 370mm;, diameter min= 60mm; max= 110mm., Suitable shrink capsules should be made of PVC with dimensions:, Hmin= 35mm; Hmax= 70mm;, diameter min= 20mm; max= 40mm., The dimensions of the capsules used so far were:, H= 40mm; Diameter 32.5mm, The machine was used for the F5350968 following bottle diameters:, 42mm; 52mm; 65mm and for a square bottle with LxW 45x45 mm., All moldings for these formats are for sale. Operating instructions are available., power: up to 2,500 bottles / hour, Dimensions / weight: L x W x H: approx. 1,100 x 900 x 2,000 mm, weight: approx. 200 kg
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Capsule applicator and shrinker, make Enos, type Capsulatrice 1T., year 2015, for closing PVC capsules, with protective covering according to CE regulations, made of AISI 304 stainless steel,, Capacity: up to 2,500 bottles with PVC capsules,, up to 1,700 bottles for capsules made of aluminium, tinfoil, polyamine, This machine can be used for bottles of the formats:, Hmin= 230mm; Hmax= 370mm;, diameter min= 60mm; max= 110mm., Suitable shrink capsules should be made of PVC with dimensions:, Hmin= 35mm; Hmax= 70mm;, diameter min= 20mm; max= 40mm., The dimensions of the capsules used so far were:, H= 40mm; Diameter 32.5mm, The machine was used for the F5350968 following bottle diameters:, F5350968 42mm; 52mm; 65mm and for a square bottle with LxW 45x45 mm., All moldings for these formats are for sale. Operating instructions are available., power: up to 2,500 bottles / hour, Dimensions / weight: L x W x H: approx. 1,100 x 900 x 2,000 mm, weight: approx. 200 kg
seller offer No. resale 1010.129
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Florin GmbH

Signora Petra Gerhardt
47877 Willich

RESALE membro dato che 2021

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