Cesoie a ghigliottina ECLAIR / PASKOWSKY-SCHWEIZ ASS. 5 mm

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / lavorazione della lamiera / Cesoie a ghigliottina

logo dealer

Plum & Partner Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
[ profilo del rivenditore ]

Signor A. Plum
32257 Bünde

  • 0049-5223... telefono

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RESALE membro dato che 2014

  • elenco macchine (118)
Numero di articolo: 162958091 Quantità: 1 Data: 27.12.2024
Anno di fabbricazione: 1976 Luogo: Land-de Germania Bünde bei Bielefeld
Modello: ASS. 5 mm
Tipo di macchina: Cesoie a ghigliottina
Descrizione: Cesoie a ghigliottina ECLAIR / PASKOWSKY-SCHWEIZ ASS. 5 mm

macchina usato

sheet width: 3050 mm
plate thickness: 5 mm
distance between columns: - mm
table height: 750 mm
strokes per minute until: 25 - 80
cutting angle: 1° 10´
Number of downholders: 16
total power requirement: 11 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 4,9 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 3,4 x 2,6 x 1,4 m
Electric 380 Volt:
Back gauge motorized: 750 mm
Squaring arm withh mm-scale:
Support arms: 2 x
Shadow line lighting:
Cutting lenght bound:
Foot switch:
Hydraulic guillotine shear in a solid all-welded construction with cutting
output of 3050 x 5 mm and motorized backgauge adjustable from the front and
readable via P41219061 counter.The cutting performance refers to sheets with a strength
of max. 45 kg/mm².
Machine dealer with own stock of 1600 m².

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1082-12315
Macchina in azione:
Seller-item-No.: 1082-12315
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