Complete plant DIVERSE to produce plastic pots

macchine per lavorazione della plastica / altre macchine per plastica

Fabbricante: DIVERSE

Modello:to produce plastic pots

Tipo di macchina: Complete plant

Numero di articolo: 163759477

Quantità: 1

Data: 15.10.2024

Anno di fabbricazione:

Luogo: Land-it Italia 44100 Ferrara (FE)



Plant complete with all the machinery and molds to produce plastic pots, saucers, cages and thermoformed pot holders of various types and sizes: from 40 cm.

up to 1 m. Composed of:

N1) 135 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 135 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 200 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 300 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 400 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 5 pallet CAMPETELLA robot + labeller

N1) 7 pallet CAMPETELLA S5319175 robot + labeller

N3) automatic stacking and coding lines

N2) mold cabinets with drawers with a capacity of 1000 kg

N1) refrigerator to cool water

N1) freecooler to cool the oil

N59) molds for flower pots
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Plant complete with all the machinery and molds to produce plastic pots, saucers, cages and thermoformed pot holders of various types and sizes: from 40 cm.

up to 1 m. Composed of:

N1) 135 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 135 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 200 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 300 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 400 ton SANDRETTO plastic injection press

N1) 5 pallet CAMPETELLA robot + labeller

N1) 7 pallet CAMPETELLA S5319175 robot + S5319175 labeller

N3) automatic stacking and coding lines

N2) mold cabinets with drawers with a capacity of 1000 kg

N1) refrigerator to cool water

N1) freecooler to cool the oil

N59) molds for flower pots
seller offer No. resale C1178
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Signor Tenani Piergiovanni
44100 Ferrara

RESALE membro dato che 2005

  • elenco macchine (84)


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