Centri di elaborazione DECKEL MAHO DMU 160 P hi-dyn

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / fresalesatrici e centri di lavoro / Centri di elaborazione

Fabbricante: DECKEL MAHO

Modello:DMU 160 P hi-dyn

Tipo di macchina: Centri di elaborazione

Numero di articolo: 164916811

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2004

Luogo: Lager Kleinostheim


Macchina in azione:


x-travel: 1.600 mm
y-travel: 1.250 mm
z-travel: 1.000 mm
Nc rotary table: :
surface area: Ø 1.500 x 1.250 mm
: 0,001 °
workpiece weight max.: 4.000 kg
Universal Milling Head: -
B-axis: stufenlos + 180 / - 7 °
resolution: 0,001 °
max. power ED 40 %: 28 kW
Speed range, stepless: 20 - 18.000 min-1
feed, rapid traverse:: -
feeds x/y/z -stepless: 0 - 15.000 mm/min
rapid in X/Y/Z: 60.000 mm/min
tool magazine: -
Number of tool places: 60 St
tool taper: HSK-63 DIN 69893 Form A
voltage: 3 x 400 V
operating frequency: 50 Hz
Overall size: -
Space requirement: ca. 8,8 x 8,8 x 3,5 m
weight of the machine ca.: 35.000 kg

Versatile 5-axis universal machining center with NC – Rotary table, tool magazine and large loading door at the front.

• NC-swivelling milling head with 18,000 rpm motor spindle for 5 -axis simultaneous machining
• 3D CNC - -Control HEIDENHAIN iTNC530
• HSK 63 spindle cone with interal coolant supply (IKZ)
• Direct travel measuring systems (glass scales in all three axes)
• Operation mode 4
• 60-position tool magazine with automatic changer
• Swivelling contol panel for machine operators
• Exhaust system for oil/emulsion mist with separator
• Chip conveyor with side tank and lifting pump for coolant supply
• Coolant system with belt filter and large tank, with F5327320 40 bar high-pressure pump to provide the internal coolant supply
• Electronic handwheel Heidenhain HR410
• Rotation disc
• Electronic 3D infrared measuring probe Hexagon m&h IRP 25.10 with receiver unit
• Chip cleaning unit
• 3 pcs. set-up elements
• Brankamp collision monitoring system
• Second operating terminal on the tool magazine
• Very well-maintained condition due the past premium service and maintenance contract with the machine manufacturer

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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x-travel: 1.600 mm
y-travel: 1.250 mm
z-travel: 1.000 mm
Nc rotary table: :
surface area: Ø 1.500 x 1.250 mm
: 0,001 °
workpiece weight max.: 4.000 kg
Universal Milling Head: -
B-axis: stufenlos + 180 / - 7 °
resolution: 0,001 °
max. power ED 40 %: 28 kW
Speed range, stepless: 20 - 18.000 min-1
feed, rapid traverse:: -
feeds x/y/z -stepless: 0 - 15.000 mm/min
rapid in X/Y/Z: 60.000 mm/min
tool magazine: -
Number of tool places: 60 St
tool taper: HSK-63 DIN 69893 Form A
voltage: 3 x 400 V
operating frequency: 50 Hz
Overall size: -
Space requirement: ca. 8,8 x 8,8 x 3,5 m
weight of the machine ca.: 35.000 kg

Versatile 5-axis universal machining center with NC – Rotary table, tool magazine and large loading door at the front.

• NC-swivelling milling head with 18,000 rpm motor spindle for 5 -axis simultaneous machining
• 3D CNC - -Control HEIDENHAIN iTNC530
• HSK 63 spindle cone with interal coolant supply (IKZ)
• Direct travel measuring systems (glass scales in all three axes)
• Operation mode 4
• 60-position tool magazine with automatic changer
• Swivelling contol panel for machine operators
• Exhaust system for oil/emulsion mist with separator
• Chip conveyor with side tank and lifting pump for coolant supply
• Coolant system with belt filter and large tank, with F5327320 40 bar high-pressure F5327320 pump to provide the internal coolant supply
• Electronic handwheel Heidenhain HR410
• Rotation disc
• Electronic 3D infrared measuring probe Hexagon m&h IRP 25.10 with receiver unit
• Chip cleaning unit
• 3 pcs. set-up elements
• Brankamp collision monitoring system
• Second operating terminal on the tool magazine
• Very well-maintained condition due the past premium service and maintenance contract with the machine manufacturer

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1118-1662
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FLECKENSTEIN Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH

Signor Bj?rn Fleckenstein
63831 Wiesen

RESALE membro dato che 2022

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