Machining Center - Horizontal HELLER MCT160

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / fresalesatrici e centri di lavoro

Fabbricante: HELLER


Tipo di macchina: Machining Center - Horizontal

Numero di articolo: 166823255

Quantità: 1

Data: 17.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2003

Luogo: Staufenberg 2


Macchina in azione:


x-travel:450 mm
y-travel:450 mm
z-travel:450 mm
weight of the machine ca.:14 t
size of pallet:320 x 320 mm
number of spindles:2

Double spindle 4-axis machining center Horizontal
4 machine plates
Renishaw probe
Control Siemens Sinumerik 840D
Working space (X / Y / Z): 450x450x450 mm
Load pallet / table max .: 300 kg
Acceleration: 10 m / s²
Rapid traverse: 60 m / min
Pallet size: 320 x 320 mm
Chip-to-chip time: 2.6 s
Workpiece height max .: 700 mm
Tool holder: HSK 63
Tool places: 2x 60
Tool spindle: 10,000 rpm, 95 Nm
Speed increase to 18,000 rpm
Infrared receiver for probe,
Make Renishaw Vaf72a0p
Tool magazine with 60 places
Control panel on the workstation
Control panel on the tool installation site
Workpiece positioning stations can be rotated manually
with hydraulic workpiece H5341493 clamping 60 bar
Pneumatic support control on the workstation
Automatic swing gate
Extended coolant layer 70 bar / 1500I /
VF 250 Coolant Cooler
Working space flushing Emulsion mist suction
Roto - Clear
Automatic setup process
Automatic disarming process
Runtime and quantity recording
Status lamp 3-color modem for remote diagnosis control cabinet lighting
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x-travel:450 mm
y-travel:450 mm
z-travel:450 mm
weight of the machine ca.:14 t
size of pallet:320 x 320 mm
number of spindles:2

Double spindle 4-axis machining center Horizontal
4 machine plates
Renishaw probe
Control Siemens Sinumerik 840D
Working space (X / Y / Z): 450x450x450 mm
Load pallet / table max .: 300 kg
Acceleration: 10 m / s²
Rapid traverse: 60 m / min
Pallet size: 320 x 320 mm
Chip-to-chip time: 2.6 s
Workpiece height max .: 700 mm
Tool holder: HSK 63
Tool places: 2x 60
Tool spindle: 10,000 rpm, 95 Nm
Speed increase to 18,000 rpm
Infrared receiver for probe,
Make Renishaw Vaf72a0p
Tool magazine with 60 places
Control panel on the workstation
Control panel on the tool installation site
Workpiece positioning stations can be rotated manually
with hydraulic workpiece H5341493 clamping 60 H5341493 bar
Pneumatic support control on the workstation
Automatic swing gate
Extended coolant layer 70 bar / 1500I /
VF 250 Coolant Cooler
Working space flushing Emulsion mist suction
Roto - Clear
Automatic setup process
Automatic disarming process
Runtime and quantity recording
Status lamp 3-color modem for remote diagnosis control cabinet lighting
seller offer No. resale 1113-6651
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HD Werkzeugmaschinenhandel GmbH

Signora Hanna Markieton
35460 Staufenberg

RESALE membro dato che 2014

  • elenco macchine (157)


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