Cesoie a ghigliottina idrauliche BAYKAL Depth rear gauge

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / lavorazione della lamiera

Fabbricante: BAYKAL

Modello:Depth rear gauge

Tipo di macchina: Cesoie a ghigliottina idrauliche

Numero di articolo: 161167597

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Luogo: Land-nl Olanda



Sheet thickness: 16,00 mm
Sheet width: 3060 mm
Depth rear gauge: 1000 mm
Hydraulic swing beam shear

Cutting thickness 450 N/mm2 16 mm

Cutting thickness 700 N/mm2 10 mm

Oil capacity 220 Liter

Rapid blade gap adjustment 

Sheet support arms front side 


Maximum sheet thickness:    16mm

Max. cutting length:        3060mm

Strokes on full length:     8mm

Strokes in short 1000 length:16

Cutting angle:              2.7°

Length backgauge:           1000mm

Number of down holders:     17

Power:                      30kW

Length:    M5346881                  4000mm

Width:                      2800mm

Height:                     2500mm

Weight:                     15500kg

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Sheet thickness: 16,00 mm
Sheet width: 3060 mm
Depth rear gauge: 1000 mm
Hydraulic swing beam shear

Cutting thickness 450 N/mm2 16 mm

Cutting thickness 700 N/mm2 10 mm

Oil capacity 220 Liter

Rapid blade gap adjustment 

Sheet support arms front side 


Maximum sheet thickness:    16mm

Max. cutting length:        3060mm

Strokes on full length:     8mm

Strokes in short 1000 length:16

Cutting angle:              2.7°

Length backgauge:           1000mm

Number of down holders:     17

Power:                      30kW

Length:    M5346881     M5346881              4000mm

Width:                      2800mm

Height:                     2500mm

Weight:                     15500kg

seller offer No. resale 7568
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Signora Laura Kühl
6909D Babberich

RESALE membro dato che 2015

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