Seghe a nastro automatiche BOMAR ergonomic 290.250 GAC

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / seghe / Seghe a nastro automatiche

Fabbricante: BOMAR

Modello:ergonomic 290.250 GAC

Tipo di macchina: Seghe a nastro automatiche

Numero di articolo: 164903796

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2012

Luogo: D - 77815 Bühl


Macchina in azione:


cutting diameter: 250 mm
saw band length: 2910 mm
cutting width: 0,9 mm
capacity 90 degrees: square: 240 x 240 mm
capacity 90 degrees: flat: 290 x 230 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: 210 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: 190 x 190 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: 220 x 80 mm
capacity 60 degrees: round: 120 mm
capacity 60 degrees: square: 100 x 100 mm
capacity 60 degrees: flat: 120 x 80 mm
cutting speed: 40 / 80 m/min
dimensions of saw-band: 2910 x 27 x 0,9 mm
height of material-table: 760 mm
length of rest piece min/max: 80 mm
feed length: 500 mm
feed length: multiple: programmierbar H5321685
total power requirement: 3,9 kVA
weight of the machine ca.: 460 kg
dimensions of machine L x W x H: 1,60 x 1,45 x 1,35 m
Accessories: coolant

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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cutting diameter: 250 mm
saw band length: 2910 mm
cutting width: 0,9 mm
capacity 90 degrees: square: 240 x 240 mm
capacity 90 degrees: flat: 290 x 230 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: 210 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: 190 x 190 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: 220 x 80 mm
capacity 60 degrees: round: 120 mm
capacity 60 degrees: square: 100 x 100 mm
capacity 60 degrees: flat: 120 x 80 mm
cutting speed: 40 / 80 m/min
dimensions of saw-band: 2910 x 27 x 0,9 mm
height of material-table: 760 mm
length of rest piece min/max: 80 mm
feed length: 500 mm
feed length: multiple: programmierbar H5321685
total power H5321685 requirement: 3,9 kVA
weight of the machine ca.: 460 kg
dimensions of machine L x W x H: 1,60 x 1,45 x 1,35 m
Accessories: coolant

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1052-09128
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Hans Klein Werkzeugmaschinen-Handel GmbH

Signor Thomas Klein
77815 Bühl-Weitenung

RESALE membro dato che 2010

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