BIELLONI BLOWN FILM s.80-d.180-dw 1

macchine per lavorazione della plastica / estrusori

Fabbricante: BIELLONI

Modello:BLOWN FILM s.80-d.180-dw 1

Numero di articolo: 166038989

Quantità: 1

Data: 07.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 1998

Luogo: Land-it Italia ponderano



BIELLONI BLOW FILME LINE, xtrusion line with screw diam. 80 mm, die diam 180 mm., n.2 cooling rings, calibration cage, oscillating pull off unit 1.200 mm.wide, for LDPE LLDPE HDPE (in blends) from 18 to 170 my, double winding station 1.200 mm G5337941 wide, offered as is or reconditioned, screw diam.: 80, Winding station: 1.200 mm. double , die diam: 180 mm.
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BIELLONI BLOW FILME LINE, xtrusion line with screw diam. 80 mm, die diam 180 mm., n.2 cooling rings, calibration cage, oscillating pull off unit 1.200 mm.wide, for LDPE LLDPE HDPE (in blends) from 18 to 170 my, double winding station 1.200 mm G5337941 wide, offered as is G5337941 or reconditioned, screw diam.: 80, Winding station: 1.200 mm. double , die diam: 180 mm.
seller offer No. resale GE902
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Signor Paolo Ramella German

RESALE membro dato che 2015

  • elenco macchine (224)


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Prezzo: sold BIELLONI BLOWN FILM s.80-d.180-dw 1.... + simili BIELLONI-Modello

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