Segatrici circolari a caldo BERG & SCHMID VKS 370

macchine per lavorazione dei metalli / seghe / Segatrici circolari a caldo

Fabbricante: BERG & SCHMID

Modello:VKS 370

Tipo di macchina: Segatrici circolari a caldo

Numero di articolo: 164194848

Quantità: 1

Data: 08.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione: 2023 macchina nuova

Luogo: 49779 Niederlangen


Macchina in azione:


saw blade diameter: 370 x 3,0 x 40 mm
cutting diameter: 120 mm
stroke: -- mm
capacity 90 degrees: square: 100 mm
capacity 90 degrees: flat: 180 x 100 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: li. 120 / re. 105 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: li. 100 / re. 100 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: li. 130x100 / re . 130x10 mm
capacity 60 degrees: round: 110 mm
capacity 60 degrees: square: 90 mm
capacity 60 degrees: flat: 90 x 100 mm
total power requirement: 1,8 / 2,2 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 392 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 700 x 900 x 1800 mm
-The powerful, 2-stage gear was specially designed for cuts in solid material
-The user has a total of 4 blade speeds for optimal adjustment
the material available
-The large bearing rotary table with internal table clamping and
Precision stops at 0/45/60° ensure quick adjustability
miter cuts
-The vice with quick clamping H5351851 (optional is a pneumatic one
Vise = MA, available) is with screwed vise jaws
Mistake. With their ribbing, these ensure optimal hold of the workpiece
-Underframe with lockable door, chip drawer and removable
Coolant pan with electric coolant pump
-Chip removal brush

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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saw blade diameter: 370 x 3,0 x 40 mm
cutting diameter: 120 mm
stroke: -- mm
capacity 90 degrees: square: 100 mm
capacity 90 degrees: flat: 180 x 100 mm
capacity 45 degrees: round: li. 120 / re. 105 mm
capacity 45 degrees: square: li. 100 / re. 100 mm
capacity 45 degrees: flat: li. 130x100 / re . 130x10 mm
capacity 60 degrees: round: 110 mm
capacity 60 degrees: square: 90 mm
capacity 60 degrees: flat: 90 x 100 mm
total power requirement: 1,8 / 2,2 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 392 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 700 x 900 x 1800 mm
-The powerful, 2-stage gear was specially designed for cuts in solid material
-The user has a total of 4 blade speeds for optimal adjustment
the material available
-The large bearing rotary table with internal table clamping and
Precision stops at 0/45/60° ensure quick adjustability
miter cuts
-The vice with quick clamping H5351851 (optional is a pneumatic H5351851 one
Vise = MA, available) is with screwed vise jaws
Mistake. With their ribbing, these ensure optimal hold of the workpiece
-Underframe with lockable door, chip drawer and removable
Coolant pan with electric coolant pump
-Chip removal brush

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-2160003
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Heinz Sanders GmbH

Signor J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

RESALE membro dato che 2018

  • elenco macchine (246)


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