Silos AZO 2x 1000 Ltr - Silo

tecnologie di processo / macchine e impianti per l'ingegneria di processo

Fabbricante: AZO

Modello:2x 1000 Ltr - Silo

Tipo di macchina: Silos

Numero di articolo: 164139965

Quantità: 1

Data: 11.03.2025

Anno di fabbricazione:

Luogo: Land-nl Olanda Barneveld The Netherlands


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General SKU396U1161 LocationBarneveld MakeAzo TypeVB 800 B Year of construction1996 Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume2000 Ltr. Specified Features - Silo Silocheck Closedcheck Capacity2000Ltr (1000 Ltr. 2x) Diameter1100 mm Conical bottomcheck Flat topcheck With covercheck Manholecheck Outlet with vibro bottomcheck Outlet with valvecheck MaterialStainless steel 1.4301 (304) Information Extra Specificationsequipped with a dosing screw. Brand Azo. Type DFS100x 650. SilosAZOTanks > SilosBrand > AZO What you can expect from Foeth: -- F5352068 Machine is in working condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
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General SKU396U1161 LocationBarneveld MakeAzo TypeVB 800 B Year of construction1996 Main Features MaterialStainless steel Volume2000 Ltr. Specified Features - Silo Silocheck Closedcheck Capacity2000Ltr (1000 Ltr. 2x) Diameter1100 mm Conical bottomcheck Flat topcheck With covercheck Manholecheck Outlet with vibro bottomcheck Outlet with valvecheck MaterialStainless steel 1.4301 (304) Information Extra Specificationsequipped with a dosing screw. Brand Azo. Type DFS100x 650. SilosAZOTanks > SilosBrand > AZO What you can expect from Foeth: -- F5352068 Machine is in working F5352068 condition -- At a reduced price compared to new -- Ready for shipping to any destination worldwide -- You are welcome to inspect the machine in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit us in Barneveld for many more machines!
seller offer No. resale 396U1161
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Signor A Foeth
3771 Barneveld

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