Arbeitstisch höhenverstellbar Arbeitstisch Packtisch Werkbank

macchine per la movimentazione, deposito attrezzature / altre attrezzature di magazzino


Modello:Arbeitstisch Packtisch Werkbank

Tipo di macchina: Arbeitstisch höhenverstellbar

Numero di articolo: 163450547

Quantità: 20

Data: 11.03.2025

Luogo: Land-de Germania Würzburg

Prezzo: 150 EUR

Macchina in azione:


Work table packing table workbench height adjustable with stainless steel top and drawer container

Workbench made of metal, painted white, used
worktop with stainless steel surface (traces of wear)
height adjustment manually by crank

width: 1500mm
depth: 800mm
height: 820 - 1020mm (adjustable)

Drawer container with 4 drawers of different heights
Container in 2 different colors (turquoise and blue)
Arrangement of containers partly on the left, partly on the right
Container dimensions: 400 x 650 x 600 mm (WxHxD)
heights of drawers: 1x 50mm, 2x 150mm, 1x 300mm

All prices net, plus VAT ex central warehouse Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co KG, 97076 Würzburg, Germany


For D5333323 individual, professional advice, simply get in touch with us.
Simply contact us by phone or by mail.
We will be happy to help you with the planning and implementation of your projects.
We look forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards
Your team of Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co. KG
Your specialist and contact for intralogistics
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Work table packing table workbench height adjustable with stainless steel top and drawer container

Workbench made of metal, painted white, used
worktop with stainless steel surface (traces of wear)
height adjustment manually by crank

width: 1500mm
depth: 800mm
height: 820 - 1020mm (adjustable)

Drawer container with 4 drawers of different heights
Container in 2 different colors (turquoise and blue)
Arrangement of containers partly on the left, partly on the right
Container dimensions: 400 x 650 x 600 mm (WxHxD)
heights of drawers: 1x 50mm, 2x 150mm, 1x 300mm

All prices net, plus VAT ex central warehouse Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co KG, 97076 Würzburg, Germany


For D5333323 individual, D5333323 professional advice, simply get in touch with us.
Simply contact us by phone or by mail.
We will be happy to help you with the planning and implementation of your projects.
We look forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards
Your team of Dr. Sonntag GmbH & Co. KG
Your specialist and contact for intralogistics
seller offer No. resale RA1801
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97084 Würzburg

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