Convoyeur à rouleaux gravitaires TRANSNORM 2140-700-600-40

machines de manutention mécanique, équipement de stockage / convoyeurs à rouleaux

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Numéro de l'article: 162474536 Quantité: 1 Date: 15.11.2024
Année de fabrication: 2009 Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne Würzburg
Prix: 265 EUR
Fabricant: TRANSNORM
Modèle: 2140-700-600-40
Type de machine: Convoyeur à rouleaux gravitaires
Description: Convoyeur à rouleaux gravitaires TRANSNORM 2140-700-600-40

machine d'occasion

Transnorm Roller Conveyor / Gravity Roller Conveyor 2140-700-600-40


Transnorm\s gravity roller conveyor has a two-sided side guide and a transfer roller on the stop. It is supplied without supports. These are available as an option.

Gravity roller conveyors are a common alternative or complement to driven conveyor technology in the field of intralogistics. The fields of application are manifold. Roller conveyors in the shipping and picking area, shelving and loading zones are commonly used, either as a slope or a sliding track.
Use gravity and save energy! The advantages are obvious, cost-effective, low-maintenance and durable. In addition, there is a low installation effort and low-noise operation.

Technical data:

Manufacturer: Transnorm
Type: Roller conveyor
Built: 2009
Condition: very good (used)
Conveyor length (FL): 2140 mm
Nominal/outer width (NB): 700 mm
Usable width (NUB): 600 mm
Pitch: 40 mm (in direction of conveying)
Height Side Profile: 120mm
Side guide: on both sides (up to 35 mm above the top edge)
Roller axis: with 9 or 8 rolls in alternation
Spacing: 75 mm (among each other, in the direction of conveying)
Stop: with handover roller
Weight: 50 kg

Scope of delivery: without supports (if necessary please enquiries)
Optional: supports

Price: plus VAT from central warehouse Dr. Sonntag KG 97076 Wuerzburg

Construction year: D41133323 2009
condition: very good (used)
Conveying length in mm: 2140
Nominal / outside width in mm: 700
Roll width in mm: 600
Roll division in mm: 40
Driven: NO
scope of delivery: without supports and side guides

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seller offer No. resale RA1781
Machine en stock: Oui
Seller-item-No.: RA1781
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