Portes et fenêtres du centre d’usinage CNC MASTERWOOD 4 Win mit Beladung - Video -

machines à bois / machines de production de fenêtre


Modèle:4 Win mit Beladung - Video -

Type de machine: Portes et fenêtres du centre d’usinage CNC

Numéro de l'article: 156216172

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication:

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne ab Werk


Machine en stock:Oui


max. workpiece length: 4400 mm
profile spindle: 1 Stück
main drive: 19,2 kW
CNC machining center MASTERWOOD 4 WIN with automatic loading and unloading

Sp ecially designed for a rational and flexible wooden window u.
door production


- Various tool magazines for optimal tooling
- Simultaneous feeding with up to 6 workpieces
- patented clamping system for optimum machining of workpieces
- CNC controlled work table with automatic positioning of the beams and
- Automatic reclamping for changing between external and internal profiling
- INTEGRATED windowing software, i. Machine does not have to (but can
Of course) be controlled from the office with external industry software.
- powerful engine with 19.2 kW HSK-63 E
- Loading and unloading conveyor

Ask for a quote and see for yourself
unbeatable value for money!

VIDEO from G5312123 the machine attached!

At the side you will find the techn. Description of the machine as a PDF

We would be happy to make your used machine one
take reasonable price in payment!

(technical information according to the manufacturer - without guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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max. workpiece length: 4400 mm
profile spindle: 1 Stück
main drive: 19,2 kW
CNC machining center MASTERWOOD 4 WIN with automatic loading and unloading

Sp ecially designed for a rational and flexible wooden window u.
door production


- Various tool magazines for optimal tooling
- Simultaneous feeding with up to 6 workpieces
- patented clamping system for optimum machining of workpieces
- CNC controlled work table with automatic positioning of the beams and
- Automatic reclamping for changing between external and internal profiling
- INTEGRATED windowing software, i. Machine does not have to (but can
Of course) be controlled from the office with external industry software.
- powerful engine with 19.2 kW HSK-63 E
- Loading and unloading conveyor

Ask for a quote and see for yourself
unbeatable value for money!

VIDEO from G5312123 the machine G5312123 attached!

At the side you will find the techn. Description of the machine as a PDF

We would be happy to make your used machine one
take reasonable price in payment!

(technical information according to the manufacturer - without guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-6511
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Gebr. Engelfried oHG

Monsieur Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

RESALE membre depuis que 2014

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