Conventional Furnaces (Gas, Fuel or Electric) HEATMASTERS Capacity (kg)

machines pour le plastique / presses à injecter


Modèle:Capacity (kg)

Type de machine: Conventional Furnaces (Gas, Fuel or Electric)

Numéro de l'article: 160746579

Quantité: 1

Date: 08.03.2025

Emplacement: Land-nl Pays-Bas



(1) Gas (2) Fuel (3) Electric: 2  
Temperature maximum: 1050 C°
Capacity (kg): 5000 kg
Connection 3 x 250 Amp

Power 200 KW

Driven loading cart with 5000 Kg capacity

Temperatur 50 - 1050 Gr Celsius

Heater heatmasters 2 chanells with 12 elements (AF3.25 wire)

Control HM-1000

Controller HM-Rigel Version 2.2b (T)

Insulation ceramic wood / fibre 200 mm

For Stress relieving, annealing, normalizing, heat treament





INDUSTRIAL FURNACES  ;Furnaces are used in many industries to produce a wide range of products under demanding requirements.  this extensive design and manufacturing capability in thermal processing equipment is the solution for your high temperature furnace requirements.  with wide assortment of furnaces, including Continuous, Batch, Car Bottom, Solution Heat Treat and Atmosphere.  Every high temperature application is unique and HeatTek uses it experience, research and M5346881 development capabilities  to insure the furnace we supply will perform to your  Car Bottom Furnace anneals and stress relieves titanium loads up to 20,000 lbs.  The chamber is 14’ wide x 14’  long x 9’ high.  Operating range 50 °Celsius to 1050 Celsius °Gr with a uniformity of +/- 10 ° Gr. 

Build for Industries: Automotive Aerospace Aluminum Composites Heat Treat Gas/Oil Foundry Coating/Finishing Plastics
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(1) Gas (2) Fuel (3) Electric: 2  
Temperature maximum: 1050 C°
Capacity (kg): 5000 kg
Connection 3 x 250 Amp

Power 200 KW

Driven loading cart with 5000 Kg capacity

Temperatur 50 - 1050 Gr Celsius

Heater heatmasters 2 chanells with 12 elements (AF3.25 wire)

Control HM-1000

Controller HM-Rigel Version 2.2b (T)

Insulation ceramic wood / fibre 200 mm

For Stress relieving, annealing, normalizing, heat treament





INDUSTRIAL FURNACES  ;Furnaces are used in many industries to produce a wide range of products under demanding requirements.  this extensive design and manufacturing capability in thermal processing equipment is the solution for your high temperature furnace requirements.  with wide assortment of furnaces, including Continuous, Batch, Car Bottom, Solution Heat Treat and Atmosphere.  Every high temperature application is unique and HeatTek uses it experience, research and M5346881 development capabilities M5346881  to insure the furnace we supply will perform to your  Car Bottom Furnace anneals and stress relieves titanium loads up to 20,000 lbs.  The chamber is 14’ wide x 14’  long x 9’ high.  Operating range 50 °Celsius to 1050 Celsius °Gr with a uniformity of +/- 10 ° Gr. 

Build for Industries: Automotive Aerospace Aluminum Composites Heat Treat Gas/Oil Foundry Coating/Finishing Plastics
seller offer No. resale 7440
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