Encocheuses BOSCHERT K30-120 MINI S

machines de travail des métaux / travail de la tôle / Encocheuses

Fabricant: BOSCHERT

Modèle:K30-120 MINI S

Type de machine: Encocheuses

Numéro de l'article: 159629551

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication: 1996

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne Ahaus


Machine en stock:Oui


: 4,0 mm
: 3,0 mm
: 30 - 120 Grad
blade length: 150 x 150 mm
work height max.: 900 mm
table:: 1000 x 650 mm
engine output: 3,0 kW
weight: 850 kg
range L-W-H: 1250 x 1000 x 1160 mm
- Notching machine with angle adjustment 30° - 120°
- Simple and functional Touch Pad control panel
Set-up stroke
Single stroke
continuous stroke
- Plexiglas protection for better transparency
- hardened knives also for cutting stainless steel
- planed table surface
to avoid tilting or slipping of the metal sheet
- adjustable lift height adjustment
- 2x staking stops
with movable and interchangeable stop bars
- Waste bin
- free-moving footswitch
- Operation manual

BOSCHERT angle adjustment:
- the one-piece 30° upper knife is within one
tool both A5316625 with a left and directly connected to a right lower knife
- once for each notch over 30° left and once on the right.
- the swivel adjustment becomes pneumatic, immediately
after completion of the first notch, lightning fast carried out.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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: 4,0 mm
: 3,0 mm
: 30 - 120 Grad
blade length: 150 x 150 mm
work height max.: 900 mm
table:: 1000 x 650 mm
engine output: 3,0 kW
weight: 850 kg
range L-W-H: 1250 x 1000 x 1160 mm
- Notching machine with angle adjustment 30° - 120°
- Simple and functional Touch Pad control panel
Set-up stroke
Single stroke
continuous stroke
- Plexiglas protection for better transparency
- hardened knives also for cutting stainless steel
- planed table surface
to avoid tilting or slipping of the metal sheet
- adjustable lift height adjustment
- 2x staking stops
with movable and interchangeable stop bars
- Waste bin
- free-moving footswitch
- Operation manual

BOSCHERT angle adjustment:
- the one-piece 30° upper knife is within one
tool both A5316625 with a left and directly A5316625 connected to a right lower knife
- once for each notch over 30° left and once on the right.
- the swivel adjustment becomes pneumatic, immediately
after completion of the first notch, lightning fast carried out.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-9397083
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A+B Werkzeug Maschinen Handels GmbH

Monsieur Bahr
48683 Ahaus

RESALE membre depuis que 2014

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