Aléseuses-fraiseuses universelles FEHLMANN Picomax 51 TNC

machines de travail des métaux / fraiseuses / Aléseuses-fraiseuses universelles

Fabricant: FEHLMANN

Modèle:Picomax 51 TNC

Type de machine: Aléseuses-fraiseuses universelles

Numéro de l'article: 166046378

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication: 2002

Emplacement: Bayern - 89264 Weißenhorn


Machine en stock:Oui


bore capacity in steel (diameter): 20 mm
x-travel: 450 mm
y-travel: 260 mm
Control: Heidenhain TNC 124
w-axis: 450 mm
z-axis: 120 mm
tool taper: SF 32 Quickchange-System
turning speed range - stepless: 100 - 9.200 U/min
table surface area: 770 0 320 mm
table load: 0,2 t
feed range - table: XY 1-2.000 mm/min
feed for quill 1:: 0,02-0,30 mm/U
total power requirement: 10 kW
weight of the machine S5345028 ca.: 1,3 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: BTH 1,6 x 1,55 x 2,33 m

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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bore capacity in steel (diameter): 20 mm
x-travel: 450 mm
y-travel: 260 mm
Control: Heidenhain TNC 124
w-axis: 450 mm
z-axis: 120 mm
tool taper: SF 32 Quickchange-System
turning speed range - stepless: 100 - 9.200 U/min
table surface area: 770 0 320 mm
table load: 0,2 t
feed range - table: XY 1-2.000 mm/min
feed for quill 1:: 0,02-0,30 mm/U
total power requirement: 10 kW
weight of the machine S5345028 ca.: 1,3 S5345028 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: BTH 1,6 x 1,55 x 2,33 m

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2032-1759
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SKM Industriemaschinen

Monsieur Yalcin Kaymas
89264 Weißenhorn

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