Usine d’adoucissement de l’eau d’alimentation avec installation de tuyaux EUROWATER

technologie des processus / machines et installations pour l'ingénierie des processus

Fabricant: EUROWATER


Type de machine: Usine d’adoucissement de l’eau d’alimentation avec installation de tuyaux

Numéro de l'article: 166635444

Quantité: 1

Date: 25.02.2025

Année de fabrication: 2004

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne Warburg

Prix: prix est ouvert aux négociations

Machine en stock:Oui


The water softener was part of a large industrial water treatment plant without own control.

Consisting of steel pressure vessel / membrane degassing / frame with piping / valves and brine tank.
The softening is followed by a membrane T5344556 degassing, which separates carbon dioxide from the water by means of a hydrophobic membrane with an air flow.
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The water softener was part of a large industrial water treatment plant without own control.

Consisting of steel pressure vessel / membrane degassing / frame with piping / valves and brine tank.
The softening is followed by a membrane T5344556 degassing, which T5344556 separates carbon dioxide from the water by means of a hydrophobic membrane with an air flow.
seller offer No. resale 29251
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Tipp Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH

Monsieur Rainer Tipp
34414 Warburg

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