Accessoires de table de soudage SIEGMUND Sonderset 96

machines de travail des métaux / machines à souder

Fabricant: SIEGMUND

Modèle:Sonderset 96

Type de machine: Accessoires de table de soudage

Numéro de l'article: 156796722

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication: machine nouvelle

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne Velen-Ramsdorf (46342)


Machine en stock:Oui


number: 96 Positionen
weight: 600 kg
condition: neu
: 28 mm
Special set 96 pieces, 28mm system, consisting of:
1x tool trolley
30x quick release bolts with twist lock short, without O-rings
8x universal stop 150 L - nitrided
4x universal stop 225 L - nitrided
8x stop and clamping angle 175 L - cast
2x stop and clamping angle 500 G left - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 750 G left - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 750 G right - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 500 G left - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 500 G right - nitrided
4x stop and clamping angle 300 G left - nitrided
8x prism Ø60-135 ° burnished - with collar
complete with screw collar and countersunk head
16x professional screw clamps - nitrided
6x W5329549 Professional screw clamp 45 ° / 90 ° - nitrided
4x universal stop 300 - nitrided
1x accessory set consisting of:
Eccentric, Allen key, brush, sharpening stone, Probe CleanBasic, Probe non-stick
and torch holder.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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number: 96 Positionen
weight: 600 kg
condition: neu
: 28 mm
Special set 96 pieces, 28mm system, consisting of:
1x tool trolley
30x quick release bolts with twist lock short, without O-rings
8x universal stop 150 L - nitrided
4x universal stop 225 L - nitrided
8x stop and clamping angle 175 L - cast
2x stop and clamping angle 500 G left - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 750 G left - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 750 G right - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 500 G left - nitrided
1x stop and clamping bracket 500 G right - nitrided
4x stop and clamping angle 300 G left - nitrided
8x prism Ø60-135 ° burnished - with collar
complete with screw collar and countersunk head
16x professional screw clamps - nitrided
6x W5329549 Professional screw clamp W5329549 45 ° / 90 ° - nitrided
4x universal stop 300 - nitrided
1x accessory set consisting of:
Eccentric, Allen key, brush, sharpening stone, Probe CleanBasic, Probe non-stick
and torch holder.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1108-71116
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WMT GmbH & Co. KG

Monsieur Ewald Wendholt
46342 Velen-Ramsdorf

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