Centres d'usinage DECKEL MAHO DMU 50 eVolution

machines de travail des métaux / aléseuses et centres d'usinage / Centres d'usinage

Fabricant: DECKEL MAHO

Modèle:DMU 50 eVolution

Type de machine: Centres d'usinage

Numéro de l'article: 164951687

Quantité: 1

Date: 28.03.2025

Année de fabrication: 2002

Emplacement: Sachsen


Machine en stock:Oui


x-travel: 500 mm
y-travel: 420 mm
z-travel: 380 mm
control: iTNC 530 Heidenhain
Main spindle:
power capacity - main spindel: 25 / 35 kW
turning speeds: 20 - 18.000 U/min
Torque: (40 / 100%) 130 / 87 Nm
tool taper: SK 40 DIN 69871 A
Feed speed: 20.000 mm/min
rapid traverse X-axis: 50 m/min
rapid traverse Y-axis: 50 m/min
rapid traverse Z-axis: 50 m/min
tool magazin::
tools in tool magazin: 32 (2x16)
max. tool length: 200 mm
max. tool weight: 6 kg
max. tool diameter: 50 mm
NC-Tilting round table::
surface area: 500 x 380 mm
center bore: 30 H6
T-slot - distance: 63 - 14H7 mm
swivelling range: 0° / +180° (B-Achse)
swivelling range: 360° / 0,001° (C-Achse)
max. table load: 200 kg
Rapids C - Axes: 33 min -1
rapid traverse B-axis: 26 min -1
total power requirement: 38 kVA
weight of the machine ca.: 6,0 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,7 x 5,4 x 2,6 m
oil mist extraction: W+W - EL-FI 1000 S5317069
hydraulic system:
Automatic Tool Changer: 32 pos.
test probe: Heidenhain TS 631
elektr. hand wheel:
Operation mode 4:
5 Axis - CNC - Machining-Center Universal
DECKEL MAHO - DMU 50 eVolution

- Swiveling-Rotary-Table
- 5 axis simultaneously

- WITHOUT clamping devices / vices!

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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x-travel: 500 mm
y-travel: 420 mm
z-travel: 380 mm
control: iTNC 530 Heidenhain
Main spindle:
power capacity - main spindel: 25 / 35 kW
turning speeds: 20 - 18.000 U/min
Torque: (40 / 100%) 130 / 87 Nm
tool taper: SK 40 DIN 69871 A
Feed speed: 20.000 mm/min
rapid traverse X-axis: 50 m/min
rapid traverse Y-axis: 50 m/min
rapid traverse Z-axis: 50 m/min
tool magazin::
tools in tool magazin: 32 (2x16)
max. tool length: 200 mm
max. tool weight: 6 kg
max. tool diameter: 50 mm
NC-Tilting round table::
surface area: 500 x 380 mm
center bore: 30 H6
T-slot - distance: 63 - 14H7 mm
swivelling range: 0° / +180° (B-Achse)
swivelling range: 360° / 0,001° (C-Achse)
max. table load: 200 kg
Rapids C - Axes: 33 min -1
rapid traverse B-axis: 26 min -1
total power requirement: 38 kVA
weight of the machine ca.: 6,0 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 4,7 x 5,4 x 2,6 m
oil mist extraction: W+W - EL-FI 1000 S5317069
C-axis: S5317069
hydraulic system:
Automatic Tool Changer: 32 pos.
test probe: Heidenhain TS 631
elektr. hand wheel:
Operation mode 4:
5 Axis - CNC - Machining-Center Universal
DECKEL MAHO - DMU 50 eVolution

- Swiveling-Rotary-Table
- 5 axis simultaneously

- WITHOUT clamping devices / vices!

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1039-9245
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Stiens Werkzeugmaschinenhandelsgesellschaft mbH

Monsieur Thomas Wernsmann
59302 Oelde

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