Centre d’usinage CNC avec pièce de collage IMA GX30/E/130/430

machines à bois / aléseuses, centres d'usinage

Fabricant: IMA


Type de machine: Centre d’usinage CNC avec pièce de collage

Numéro de l'article: 166022230

Quantité: 1

Date: 12.03.2025

Année de fabrication: 2014

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne



Manufacturer: IMA mit Verleimung, Type: GX30/E/130/430, Year: 2014, Control: IMA, Software: IMA Woop 10, Barcode: möglich, Maschinensteuerung: IMA Woop 10, Programming station office: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1400, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 150-4300, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10, C axis: yes, Pendulum processing: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1400, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 150-4300, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10, Number of milling spindles: 1, Tool adaption system: HSK F-63, rpm 1): 1000-24000, Number of tool changers: 18, Tellerwechseler: 1, Pickup Wechlser: 1, Mitfahrender Werkzeugwechsler: yes, Working widht max mm: 1400, Number of tables: 2, Traverse table: yes, 2 station allocation: yes, Stops in the table B5315207 front: yes, Vacuum pumps m³/h: 2 X 120, Saw unit: yes, Edgebanding unit: yes 2 Fach Rolle, Edgeband hight mm: 55, Magazine Qty: 2, Portal machine: yes, incl. tools: yes, Werkstückspannsystem: Vakuum, machine ready for demonstration: yes, LED-Rüsthilfe : yes, Automatic setting up table: no, Zentralschnierung: yes, Year :2014
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Manufacturer: IMA mit Verleimung, Type: GX30/E/130/430, Year: 2014, Control: IMA, Software: IMA Woop 10, Barcode: möglich, Maschinensteuerung: IMA Woop 10, Programming station office: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1400, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 150-4300, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10, C axis: yes, Pendulum processing: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1400, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 150-4300, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 10, Number of milling spindles: 1, Tool adaption system: HSK F-63, rpm 1): 1000-24000, Number of tool changers: 18, Tellerwechseler: 1, Pickup Wechlser: 1, Mitfahrender Werkzeugwechsler: yes, Working widht max mm: 1400, Number of tables: 2, Traverse table: yes, 2 station allocation: yes, Stops in the table B5315207 front: yes, Vacuum pumps B5315207 m³/h: 2 X 120, Saw unit: yes, Edgebanding unit: yes 2 Fach Rolle, Edgeband hight mm: 55, Magazine Qty: 2, Portal machine: yes, incl. tools: yes, Werkstückspannsystem: Vakuum, machine ready for demonstration: yes, LED-Rüsthilfe : yes, Automatic setting up table: no, Zentralschnierung: yes, Year :2014
seller offer No. resale 0000103703
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Prix: sold IMA GX30/E/130/430 + similaires IMA-Modèle

2011 IMAAdvantage 430 31000 EUR [Apr 2020]