Raboteuses 4 faces CASOLIN Mega 230/6

machines à bois / machines de rabotage / Raboteuses 4 faces

Gebr. Engelfried oHG
[ profil de revendeur ]

Monsieur Florian Engelfried
73432 Aalen

  • 07361-986... téléphone

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RESALE membre depuis que 2014

  • liste des machines (191)
Numéro de l'article: 164611581 Quantité: 1 Date: 10.11.2024
Année de fabrication: 2010 Emplacement: Oberkochen
Fabricant: CASOLIN
Modèle: Mega 230/6
Type de machine: Raboteuses 4 faces
Description: Raboteuses 4 faces CASOLIN Mega 230/6

machine d'occasion

Number of spindles: 6 St.
Working width: 230 mm
Working height: 120 mm
Length of the planing table: 2500 mm
feed: 5-25 m/min
CASOLIN MEGA 230/6 four-side planer

6 spindles, with touchscreen controls.
Width and height controlled.

Spindle arrangement:
1. Spindle: below, 40 mm diameter, 6,000 rpm, 5.5 kW
2nd spindle: right hand, 40 mm diameter, 6,000 rpm, 11 kW together with
3. Spindle: left, 40 mm diameter, 6,000 rpm
4. Spindle: top, 40 mm diameter, 6,000 rpm, 7.5 kW
5. Spindle: bottom, 40 mm diameter, 8,000 rpm, 5.5 kW
6. Spindle: top, 40 mm diameter, 8,000 rpm, 5.5 kW

Machine without machining tools.

The additional screen on the front G41112123 of the machine is not included in the scope
of delivery (belongs to the window system).

(technical information according to the manufacturer - without guarantee!)

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1305-2715
Machine en stock: Oui
Seller-item-No.: 1305-2715
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