Centre d’usinage CNC avec pièce de collage BIESSE Rover C6.50 Edge

machines à bois / aléseuses, centres d'usinage

Fabricant: BIESSE

Modèle:Rover C6.50 Edge

Type de machine: Centre d’usinage CNC avec pièce de collage

Numéro de l'article: 166022709

Quantité: 1

Date: 10.03.2025

Année de fabrication: 2011

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne



Manufacturer: Biesse, Type: Rover C6.50 Edge, Year: 2011, Control: Biesse, Software: Works, Work piece width min-max mm: 1.535, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 4.600, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 225, Working range X: 5.255, Working range Y-axis: 1.963, Working range Z: 350, Pendulum processing: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1.535, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 4.600, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 225, Number of milling spindles: 2, Tool adaption system: HSK F63, Milling engine 1 hours power: 12, Kettenwechsler: 22, Vertical drills-X: 12, Drill vertical Y: 17, B5315207 Horizontal drills-X: 4, Drill horizontal Y: 2, 2 station allocation: yes, Vacuum pumps m³/h: 250, Saw unit: yes, Edgebanding unit: yes, Edgeband hight mm: 9 - 54, Radial arm machine: yes, Waste conveyor belt: yes, Zentralschnierung: yes, Year :2011
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Manufacturer: Biesse, Type: Rover C6.50 Edge, Year: 2011, Control: Biesse, Software: Works, Work piece width min-max mm: 1.535, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 4.600, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 225, Working range X: 5.255, Working range Y-axis: 1.963, Working range Z: 350, Pendulum processing: yes, Work piece width min-max mm: 1.535, Min.-max. workpiece length in mm: 4.600, Min.-max. workpiece height in mm: 225, Number of milling spindles: 2, Tool adaption system: HSK F63, Milling engine 1 hours power: 12, Kettenwechsler: 22, Vertical drills-X: 12, Drill vertical Y: 17, B5315207 Horizontal drills-X: 4, B5315207 Drill horizontal Y: 2, 2 station allocation: yes, Vacuum pumps m³/h: 250, Saw unit: yes, Edgebanding unit: yes, Edgeband hight mm: 9 - 54, Radial arm machine: yes, Waste conveyor belt: yes, Zentralschnierung: yes, Year :2011
seller offer No. resale 0000102826
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