machines alimentaires / machines de boissons

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VBW Asset Trade Weihenstephan GmbH
[ profil de revendeur ]

Monsieur Norbert Zierer
85354 Freising

  • 004981614... téléphone

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RESALE membre depuis que 2011

  • liste des machines (266)
Numéro de l'article: 164728711 Quantité: 1 Date: 14.11.2024
Année de fabrication: 1991 Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne freising
Description: API SCHMIDT-BRETT...

machine d'occasion

consisting of: -SIGMATHERM plate heat exchanger (heat exchange surface 21.5 m2) - Forerun tank 1200 l - Hilge product pump with manual control valve - Hilge hot water circulation pump - 500 l expansion tank - Shell-and-tube heat exchanger - Compressed air reduction station -Control cabinet with operating panel, Additional title: pasteurization, Capacity: 100 hl/h, Perm. working overpressure: 16 bar test pressure 20,8 bar, Wärmeaustauschfläche: 21 m2, Length: 5,6 m, Width: 2 m, Height: 2,4 m, Operation / Control: Control cabinet with operating buttons, V41133327 Material: Stainless steel, Base construction: Frame, Features: 2 x vessels; plate heat exchanger; pipe heat exchanger; 2 x product pumps; process measuring and control technology. various valves and other fittings
seller offer No. resale 207129QK
Seller-item-No.: 207129QK
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