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10 similaires machines:

Machine: AMADA Europe 258
Année de construction: 2001
Vendeur: Land-pl TDMW.PL Igor Kaliniec
Emplacement:: 53145 Wroclaw

Machine à poinçonnnage et nibelle / Punching machine AMADA Europe 258 Punching force / punching force 20 ton Espace de travail : 1250mm x 2000mm (4000mm with one reposition. 5000mm or more is also possible with second reposition) Hydraulic-eccentric drive / Entraînement hydraulique Turret / Revolver ; total number of 27 stations: Auto Indexing : 2 x B (max dia 31.7mm) 1 x C (dia. max. 50.8mm) Roller table / table sphérique

Machine: AMADA Europe 258
Année de construction: 2003
Vendeur: Land-pl Exapro
Prix: 30.000 €

The best preserved Amada Europe 258 machine on the market Only 17,000 hours Year 2003 It can be seen at work only until the end of October this year ...

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Machine: AMADA Europe 258
Année de construction: 2002
Vendeur: Land-fi Exapro
Prix: 16.500 €

Amada Europe 258 with LKI MP CNC Punch Press 20 Ton Machine is in good condition ...

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Machine: AMADA Europe 258
Année de construction: 2001
Vendeur: PTF Maschinenhandelsgesellschaft mbH