Perceuses à colonne ALZMETALL AX 4 iTRONIC

machines de travail des métaux / aléseuses et centres d'usinage / Perceuses à colonne

Fabricant: ALZMETALL

Modèle:AX 4 iTRONIC

Type de machine: Perceuses à colonne

Numéro de l'article: 166046589

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication: machine nouvelle

Emplacement: 49779 Niederlangen


Machine en stock:Oui


bore capacity in steel (diameter): 55,0 mm
throat: 300 mm
bore stroke: 140 mm
morse taper: 4 MK
table:: 615 x 430 mm
turning speeds: 70 - 1.200 U/min
engine output: 1,8 / 2,9 kW
column diameter: 145 mm
thread: M30 ST60
thread: M36 GG20
feed: 0,10 + 0,30 mm/U
weight: 380 kg
Machine height: 1850 mm

7 TFT - LCD display with touch function:
Spindle speed setpoint
Actual speed display
Integrated drilling depth display
with touch zero point transfer
Virtual drilling depth scale in the display
Machine status displays and warnings in the display
Service information
Selectable user language: DE / EN / FR / ES / IT / NL / RU.

- Thread cutting device
for thread cutting with a stop
max. 6 threads / min (thread cutting performance depends on the spindle speed)
Thread depth adjustable via depth stop
in the TFT - LCD display (3 tools).
- automatic spindle feed with feed overload protection
- Infinitely variable speed setting by means of an adjusting lever
- Spindle protection with electrical fuse
- Three separate buttons for clockwise rotation - counterclockwise rotation -
- Mushroom H5351851 pushbutton (latching) for EMERGENCY STOP
- Main switch, lockable
- Right and left rotation by contactor control
- Control voltage 24 volts
- Protection class IP 54
- Painting: DD textured paint signal white RAL 9003, PANTONE 7545c, black
- Machine oil first filling: oil bottle, loose delivery

including special accessories:
- 12. LED machine light
- 24. Coolant system A in the machine base

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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bore capacity in steel (diameter): 55,0 mm
throat: 300 mm
bore stroke: 140 mm
morse taper: 4 MK
table:: 615 x 430 mm
turning speeds: 70 - 1.200 U/min
engine output: 1,8 / 2,9 kW
column diameter: 145 mm
thread: M30 ST60
thread: M36 GG20
feed: 0,10 + 0,30 mm/U
weight: 380 kg
Machine height: 1850 mm

7 TFT - LCD display with touch function:
Spindle speed setpoint
Actual speed display
Integrated drilling depth display
with touch zero point transfer
Virtual drilling depth scale in the display
Machine status displays and warnings in the display
Service information
Selectable user language: DE / EN / FR / ES / IT / NL / RU.

- Thread cutting device
for thread cutting with a stop
max. 6 threads / min (thread cutting performance depends on the spindle speed)
Thread depth adjustable via depth stop
in the TFT - LCD display (3 tools).
- automatic spindle feed with feed overload protection
- Infinitely variable speed setting by means of an adjusting lever
- Spindle protection with electrical fuse
- Three separate buttons for clockwise rotation - counterclockwise rotation -
- Mushroom H5351851 pushbutton (latching) for H5351851 EMERGENCY STOP
- Main switch, lockable
- Right and left rotation by contactor control
- Control voltage 24 volts
- Protection class IP 54
- Painting: DD textured paint signal white RAL 9003, PANTONE 7545c, black
- Machine oil first filling: oil bottle, loose delivery

including special accessories:
- 12. LED machine light
- 24. Coolant system A in the machine base

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1125-2100017
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Heinz Sanders GmbH

Monsieur J?rgen Suntrup
49779 Niederlangen

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