Machines de cintrage d'anneaux AK BEND APK 50

machines de travail des métaux / travail de la tôle / Machines de cintrage d'anneaux

Fabricant: AK BEND

Modèle:APK 50

Type de machine: Machines de cintrage d'anneaux

Numéro de l'article: 161112624

Quantité: 1

Date: 11.03.2025

Année de fabrication: machine nouvelle

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne Ahaus


Machine en stock:Oui


I - beam section - flat steel: 80 x 16 (d 1200) mm
I-beam section - upend: 50 x 15 (d 1000) mm
L-beam: 50 x 5 (d 1200) mm
round material: 40,0 (d 800) mm
bar material dia. max.: 70 x 2,0 (d 1600 ) mm
square material: 80x30x3 (d 4000) mm
channels - flange: UNP 80 (d 800 ) mm
bending speed: 4,4 m/min
roll diam. toproll: 157 mm
bore: 50,0 mm
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight: 485 kg
- electro-hydraulic ring/profile bending machine
- Hydraulic lower/side roller adjustment
for extra small bending radii
- Lower/side roller can be delivered individually
- 3x powered rollers
- divided roller segments
- Digital position display of the bottom/side rollers
Display with TouchScree function
- hardened tool holder (42CrMo4)
- Machine base
- 2x A5316625 manually adjustable side guides
- Horizontal and vertical work possible
- freely movable control panel
- Pressure gauge / pressure indicator for the rollers
- CE mark / declaration of conformity
- User manual in German

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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I - beam section - flat steel: 80 x 16 (d 1200) mm
I-beam section - upend: 50 x 15 (d 1000) mm
L-beam: 50 x 5 (d 1200) mm
round material: 40,0 (d 800) mm
bar material dia. max.: 70 x 2,0 (d 1600 ) mm
square material: 80x30x3 (d 4000) mm
channels - flange: UNP 80 (d 800 ) mm
bending speed: 4,4 m/min
roll diam. toproll: 157 mm
bore: 50,0 mm
total power requirement: 1,1 kW
weight: 485 kg
- electro-hydraulic ring/profile bending machine
- Hydraulic lower/side roller adjustment
for extra small bending radii
- Lower/side roller can be delivered individually
- 3x powered rollers
- divided roller segments
- Digital position display of the bottom/side rollers
Display with TouchScree function
- hardened tool holder (42CrMo4)
- Machine base
- 2x A5316625 manually adjustable side A5316625 guides
- Horizontal and vertical work possible
- freely movable control panel
- Pressure gauge / pressure indicator for the rollers
- CE mark / declaration of conformity
- User manual in German

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1008-8404204
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48683 Ahaus

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