Machine à perles AK-BEND AKM 250 motor.

machines de travail des métaux / travail de la tôle

Fabricant: AK-BEND

Modèle:AKM 250 motor.

Type de machine: Machine à perles

Numéro de l'article: 156326682

Quantité: 1

Date: 07.03.2025

Année de fabrication: machine nouvelle

Emplacement: Land-de Allemagne Werk


Machine en stock:Oui


plate thickness: 2,5 mm
roll-body distance: 260 mm
throat: 500 mm
distance between roll centers: 92 mm
tool adaptor: 35 mm
speed: 3,5 m/min
total power requirement: 1,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 295 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1200x700x1200 mm
Domestic equipments:
- motor driven beading machine
- 3 sets of bead rollers
- Footswitch
- Operating B5346911 instructions in German
- CE mark / Declaration of Conformity

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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plate thickness: 2,5 mm
roll-body distance: 260 mm
throat: 500 mm
distance between roll centers: 92 mm
tool adaptor: 35 mm
speed: 3,5 m/min
total power requirement: 1,5 kW
weight of the machine ca.: 295 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: 1200x700x1200 mm
Domestic equipments:
- motor driven beading machine
- 3 sets of bead rollers
- Footswitch
- Operating B5346911 instructions in German
- CE B5346911 mark / Declaration of Conformity

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1123-4050640
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plus AK-BEND AKM 250 motor. + similar AK-BEND-Modèle

AK-BENDAKM 125 motor.