Accesorios para mesas de soldadura SIEGMUND SET 5 / 28

máquinas para el procesado de metales / máquinas de soldar

Fabricante: SIEGMUND

Modelo:SET 5 / 28

Tipo de máquina: Accesorios para mesas de soldadura

Número de artículo: 162411594

Cantidad: 1

Fecha: 11.03.2025

Año de fabricación: máquina nueva

Ubicación: Land-de Alemania 46342 Velen


Máquina en stock:


number: 106 Positionen
weight: 283 kg
condition: neu
: 28 mm
Set 5: 125 pieces, 28mm system, consisting of:
Ferrules: 14 x 280610.N
Ferrules: 10 x 280630.N
Prism: 6 x 280648.1.N
Bolt: 36 x 160511
Magnetic bolt 8 x 280740
Stop: 12 x 280410.N
Stop: 12 x 280420.N
Stop: 4 x 280430.N
Angle: 12 x 160110.N
Angle: 2 x 280152.N
Angle: 2 x 280162.N
Angle: 1 x 280164.N
Angle: 1 x 280165.N
Angle: 1 x 280166.N
Angle: 1 x 280167.N
Angle: 1 x 280144.N
Angle: 1 x W5329549 280146.N
Trolley: 1 x 280910
Accessory set. 1 x 283999
Price information plus packaging and transport.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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number: 106 Positionen
weight: 283 kg
condition: neu
: 28 mm
Set 5: 125 pieces, 28mm system, consisting of:
Ferrules: 14 x 280610.N
Ferrules: 10 x 280630.N
Prism: 6 x 280648.1.N
Bolt: 36 x 160511
Magnetic bolt 8 x 280740
Stop: 12 x 280410.N
Stop: 12 x 280420.N
Stop: 4 x 280430.N
Angle: 12 x 160110.N
Angle: 2 x 280152.N
Angle: 2 x 280162.N
Angle: 1 x 280164.N
Angle: 1 x 280165.N
Angle: 1 x 280166.N
Angle: 1 x 280167.N
Angle: 1 x 280144.N
Angle: 1 x W5329549 280146.N
Trolley: 1 x W5329549 280910
Accessory set. 1 x 283999
Price information plus packaging and transport.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1108-71123
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WMT GmbH & Co. KG

Señor Ewald Wendholt
46342 Velen-Ramsdorf

RESALE miembro desde 2010

  • lista de máquinas (812)


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