Mandrinadora de mesa SCHARMANN Heavycut 3.3 / TDV 6

máquinas para el procesado de metales / mandrinadoras y centros de mecanizado

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SK Maschinen-Service GmbH
[ perfil de distribuidor ]

Señor Valentin Wienert
47918 Tönisvorst

  • 02151-793... teléfono

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RESALE miembro desde 2015

  • lista de máquinas (93)
Número de artículo: 165000330 Cantidad: 1 Fecha: 01.11.2024
Año de fabricación: 1989 Ubicación: Tönisvorst
Fabricante: SCHARMANN
Modelo: Heavycut 3.3 / TDV 6
Tipo de máquina: Mandrinadora de mesa
Descripción: Mandrinadora de mesa SCHARMANN Heavycut 3.3 / TDV 6

máquina usada

spindle diameter: 180 mm
x-travel: 5000 mm
y-travel: 3000 mm
bore spindle stroke: 1000 mm
ram stroke: 1000 mm
dimension of the ram: 425 x 425 mm
spindle taper ISO: 50
spindle turning speed - stepless: 3 - 1600 U/min
feed stepless: 0 - 10000 mm/min
table surface area: 3500 x 2500 mm
table rotating: 360 °
table load: 50 t
power capacity: 90 kW
rapid traverse: 10 m/min
table travel: 2500 mm
table height: 1450 mm
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: 125 t
dimensions of the machine ca.: 11x12x6,3 m
The condition of the machine is very good because the make a
completeoverhauling an after that the work very less with the machine
completely electrically overhauled with new motors, drives, wires and electric
cabinet in 2012 and equipped with
a new control Heidenhain iTNC 530!
+New covers for the axes.
+New pumps and tubes
+New ball crews for the axes
+Complete S41126432 over hauling from the spindelhead
+ NC-turn table 3500 x 2500 mm - 50 to cap.
+ ATC 60-fold
+ Cooling unit with internal cooling
+ chip conveyor
+ angle clamping plate 2400x1700x1200 mm
+ mecahincally and electrically in top condition! +

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seller offer No. resale 1038-80466
Máquina en stock:
Seller-item-No.: 1038-80466
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más SCHARMANN Heavycut 3.3 / TDV 6 + similar SCHARMANN-Modelo

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Precio: sold SCHARMANN Heavycut 3.3 / TDV 6 + similares SCHARMANN-Modelo

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