
de lomo HORIZON Stitchliner 5500

máquinas de impresión / postimpresión: cosedoras

Fabricante: HORIZON

Modelo:Stitchliner 5500

Tipo de máquina: Engordadora

de lomo

Número de artículo: 165450872

Cantidad: 1

Fecha: 06.03.2025

Año de fabricación: 2006

Ubicación: Emskirchen - Nürnberg



Sammelhefter / Saddle Stitcher Horizon Stitchliner 5500
Year 2006 - SN. 349006
Zählerstand / Working hours 9Mio books
Sheet Size min. 148x120mm - max. 500x350mm
Paper weight 40-350g
Production speed max. 9.500 cycles/h
VAC-60Ha Air suction collator
VAC-600Hc Air suction collator
VAC-600Hm Air suction collator
ST-CV Horizontal Conveyor
ACF-30 Accumulate & Folder
SPF-30 Saddle Stitcher
HTS-30 Three Knife Trimmer
ST-30 Stacker F5342872 Receiving Tray

Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-Video
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Available Immediately - Can be inspect
On Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test
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Sammelhefter / Saddle Stitcher Horizon Stitchliner 5500
Year 2006 - SN. 349006
Zählerstand / Working hours 9Mio books
Sheet Size min. 148x120mm - max. 500x350mm
Paper weight 40-350g
Production speed max. 9.500 cycles/h
VAC-60Ha Air suction collator
VAC-600Hc Air suction collator
VAC-600Hm Air suction collator
ST-CV Horizontal Conveyor
ACF-30 Accumulate & Folder
SPF-30 Saddle Stitcher
HTS-30 Three Knife Trimmer
ST-30 Stacker F5342872 Receiving Tray
Online-Video-Inspection by Skype-Video
We would be very pleased with your visit - more machines on Stock
Available Immediately - Can be inspect
On Stock Emskirchen / Nürnberg - Can be test

seller offer No. resale KD001
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91448 Emskirchen Pirkach

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