Fresadora - Universal HERMLE UWF 801

máquinas para el procesado de metales / fresadoras

Fabricante: HERMLE

Modelo:UWF 801

Tipo de máquina: Fresadora - Universal

Número de artículo: 165709809

Cantidad: 1

Fecha: 11.03.2025

Año de fabricación:

Ubicación: Dorsten


Máquina en stock:


x-travel: 530 mm
y-travel: 430 mm
z-travel: 400 mm
spindle taper ISO: 40
milling-head swivable +/-:
boring spindle:
: 650x440 mm
table - swivable: Grad
turning speeds: 45-2000 U/min
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the M5324244 machine ca.: m

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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x-travel: 530 mm
y-travel: 430 mm
z-travel: 400 mm
spindle taper ISO: 40
milling-head swivable +/-:
boring spindle:
: 650x440 mm
table - swivable: Grad
turning speeds: 45-2000 U/min
total power requirement: kW
weight of the machine ca.: t
dimensions of the M5324244 machine ca.: M5324244 m

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 1077-03939
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RESALE miembro desde 2008

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