Taladradoras de columna FLOTT SB 23

máquinas para el procesado de metales / mandrinadoras y centros de mecanizado / Taladradoras de columna

Fabricante: FLOTT

Modelo:SB 23

Tipo de máquina: Taladradoras de columna

Número de artículo: 163112243

Cantidad: 1

Fecha: 11.03.2025

Año de fabricación:

Ubicación: Land-de Alemania Goldenstedt

Precio: 1,100 EUR

Máquina en stock:


bore capacity in steel (diameter): 23 mm
throat: 300 mm
bore stroke: 150 mm
table-size: 300 x 410 mm
spindle taper: MK 2
total power requirement: 1,4 kW
weight of the machine ca.: ca. 315 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: ca. 700 x 900 x 1900 mm
Machine has fallen over. A sheet metal cover and 2 levers of the cross lever
broke off. Concentricity has been tested and is OK. Functional W5332055 video available.
Machine can be viewed and tested on site.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.
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bore capacity in steel (diameter): 23 mm
throat: 300 mm
bore stroke: 150 mm
table-size: 300 x 410 mm
spindle taper: MK 2
total power requirement: 1,4 kW
weight of the machine ca.: ca. 315 kg
dimensions of the machine ca.: ca. 700 x 900 x 1900 mm
Machine has fallen over. A sheet metal cover and 2 levers of the cross lever
broke off. Concentricity has been tested and is OK. Functional W5332055 video available. W5332055
Machine can be viewed and tested on site.

The data for this ad was created with ModulMWS - the software solution of LogoTech oHG.

seller offer No. resale 2031-3522
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WeMa A. Pigge GmbH

Señor Antonius Pigge
49424 Goldenstedt

RESALE miembro desde 2010

  • lista de máquinas (108)


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Precio: sold FLOTT SB 23 + similares FLOTT-Modelo

1990 FLOTTTBZ 23ST 1700 EUR [Jul 2016]